FC - 1.A. Nia's Answer.

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Thursday, November 30, 20YY

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Thursday, November 30, 20YY


Cokrompek City Public High School.

12-A Science Program Class.


Early in the morning, heading to school. Now sitting at my own desk. The awaited day has come. As per Mama's words last night, I must give Gilang a sharp answer.

No more delays.

In the classroom, there are several students chatting with each other. After observing the surroundings, I rest my head on the desk with my right hand. Contemplating what will happen when I tell Gilang the truth?

Comparing the two students I know regarding Gilang's issue.

"Mama said Gilang is a good and enthusiastic kid. What if I give a rejection? Will he be able to accept it? The effect might be like Feby who got really messed up. Her grades dropped drastically without a trace."

"As for Fahtir, luckily that kid is not overly sensitive and likes to play basketball. He doesn't stop just because there are many other girl fans. I don't know why I thought about rejecting his statement back then?"

After that, I start thinking about the impact on my life.

"Am I ready for a love life that is guaranteed to take up my study time? And there will surely be new problems in a relationship like quarrels, lack of synchronization, and so on. I am also very unsure about love. I've never been in a relationship before."

"If it interferes with study time, especially making me fail to get a scholarship. It's better to be alone first and pursue high aspirations. I will be more focused on my goals and try my best to achieve them. Not indulging in a casual relationship."

Finally, I exhale as forcefully as possible to dispel the wild thoughts painted in my imagination. Regardless of the answer I give to Gilang, I hope he can understand the decision I made.

After all, Mama said I have to be honest from my heart and not be forced. Mama's words have some truth. I shouldn't be troubled by this. I have to continue my school activities as usual.

"Yes! Let's set aside that matter and continue with our activities as usual. It's just talking. No need to overthink it. Hehehehe," I say, almost deceiving myself.

My routine seems to return to normal. I am enthusiastic about facing today's lessons. The first step is to take out the workbook from my backpack and then followed by the storage of stationery. Both are now on the desk.

Ready to accompany me until the morning classes begin. Isn't it better to read the workbook than play with the phone?

At least for students who love learning like me. I wonder about the others?

Realizing the sound of someone's footsteps heading towards the classroom door. Promptly, both eyes immediately glance in that direction. Not long after, Gilang appears from behind the classroom door. He came early in the morning.

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