Privilege is when...

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I would be lying if I said that I do not enjoy some sort of privilege in my life right now.
I study in a private school,
I get a weekly allowance that could get me a decent meal,
and a lot more than I could ever be grateful for

However, privilege is not determined only by the physical aspects we can amass,
But by the words we can say so comfortably without taking things into consideration.

It's easy to say that you're against divorce,
Maybe because you haven't heard a mother's scream for the abuse to end,
Maybe because you haven't been in the shoes of a child who can only cover their ears,
Begging for the yelling to stop.

It's easy to be against abortion,
Don't kill innocent lives, no matter what the circumstance is.
Maybe because you have never felt unwanted,
Maybe because you have never been in a situation where you have to make the toughest choices,
And maybe, just maybe, you didn't have the shittiest life that you just wished you never existed

But most of all, maybe you have been too privileged to look at the other side of the fence.
Of course, I cannot blame you, nor do I resent you for having a life where you have the luxury to say such things
That does not sympathize with others,
But it must feel nice to know that in your life,
You can make a mistake and be afforded the means to correct it,
Or even make a mistake at all.

Privilege is when you can afford to make a mistake.

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