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The beach, a serene haven under the star-studded night sky, cradled Y/N in its quite embrace. Contemplative and withdrawn, Y/N layed sprawled on the sand, wrestling with the weight of his own conflicting emotions due to the recent incidents.

However someone's arrival disrupted the silence. It was senju.

Senju- "Ohh!! Y/N?" She said softly

"Oh, you're that-" Y/N gets cut off

Senju- "Can I sit next to you?" Y/N smiles as he got to see Senju again.

"Senju, what brings you here?" I ask as I was shocked, I didn't expect anyone else to visit this secluded place beside me.

Senju- "I come here often, it's peaceful" she explains.

The conversation shifted gears, exchanging casual pleasantries before getting to know each other more. But I was still in disbelief that senju and I have the same choice of peaceful calm place. Anyways

"Senju, you know that I am a deliquent right?"

Senju- "Yeah, when you saved me that day I realised"

"And do you know that I am a member of Toman?"

Senju- "I know about those things, my brother Takeomi told me" Her eyes lit up, and a genuine smile graced her lips as she spoke softly, "you're pretty cool" Her warming smile conveyed more than her words ever could, radiating appreciation and a growing connection between us.

"Takeomi Akashi?" I repeated, surprised. His name struck a feeling of déjà vu tickling my memory. "Takeomiiiiiiiii............. Why does that name sound soo familiar?" Then I finally remember Shinichiro-kun "Ah yeah from the 1st generation Black Dragon right? Now that I think you've got the same first name afterall. You're awesome too then haha. Ahhhhhhhhh and I can't believe a legend like him knows me haha"

As minutes passed, we grew more closer but I feel us becoming close will lead her to danger. I mean I'm prolly a target of some unknown people so......

No one's POV
"I don't think it's right for us to become friends " Y/N sighed, his voice tinged with regret. "I can't promise that you won't get caught in my hoodlum activities"

Senju's expression softened.

Senju- "But, being with you brings me comfort" she confessed, a hint of determination in her voice "Don't worry. I've made my choice. I'll also be a hoodlum soon"

Y/N's heart skipped a beat, conflicted by Senju's resolve. Her determination sparked a mix of concern and admiration within him.

We bid each other goodnight, beading our separate ways. Before parting I couldn't hold back my anticipation.

"I can't wait to see your growth in the deliquent world!" I grinned as we went out separate ways, eager to witness Senju's path, my mind buzzing with thoughts of our newfound connection, anyways going to the beach was a good idea!.

Upon reaching below my house Tenzo, intercepted me near my house.

Tenzo- "Captain Y/N" he called out, heh they're always acknowledging my role. "We've got a meeting coming up." I see, wait what? No one informed me. We might be late. I let out a mock sigh.

"Why didn't you inform me earlier, Tenzo?" I scolded, trying to sound serious but failing to hide the playful tone. His response came quick.

Tenzo- "I thought Mikey had informed you as he came to your house. My bad"

"It's alright, just gimme a sec," I replied waving him off as I logged towards my place. "Wait here, I'll change into our division's gear."

I quickly dashed inside, changing into our uniform and grabbing my helmet. Emerging again, I thank Tenzo.

"Thanks for watching over me when I was out cold."

He just nodded in acknowledgment as I hopped onto my bike, adjusting my helmet. With a rev of the engine, we set off for the meeting spot, the sound of the bike's engine echoing through the neighbourhood.

A/N- After a lot of thinking, finally this chapter 😢😆

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