Chapter 19 - Slip

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"Well?" Jennie speaks up. "Would you like to ride my face, or not?"

Sometimes, Lisa wishes she had more self-control. Wishes she could be around Jennie without ending up completely heart-eyed. Wishes she was capable of fucking Jennie without aching to leave a mark on her neck, which is just—Jesus.

Lisa has fantasized about a lot of messed up things in her day (Jennie in corsets being a particularly mortifying feature of her internal catalogue), but wanting to mark her roommate? Her roommate who doesn't even like her generally, let alone romantically, most days? She needs to get a fucking grip.

"What are you thinking about?" Jennie quietly asks her. "You have that look on your face."

Lisa's eyes snap up.

"What look?"

"Like you're suffering," Jennie whispers, reaching out to cup Lisa's cheek in her palm. "So pretty, Puppy."

Lisa's face flushes. "Stop."

Jennie raises an eyebrow. "You have a safeword," she points out.

Lisa's mouth drops open.

"That's not what I meant and you know it!" she protests, a whining note leaking into her tone.

"Do I?" Jennie retorts, lips quirking up. "Hm. If you want to stop me so badly, fine."

Lisa feels like she's one tiptoe away from stepping on an industrial-grade mousetrap.

"...Fine?" she squeaks.

Jennie smiles wide enough to show her teeth.

"Go on then, Lisa. Shut me up."

Lisa remains frozen as Jennie leans in, her lips brushing against Lisa's ear as she murmurs, 

"I dare you."

A snarl catches in Lisa's throat, the sort of depraved noise that signifies her evolution from desperate to unhinged. Jennie doesn't seem afraid this time. She's wearing the kind of grin that gives children nightmares, overflowing with the confidence of a woman who regularly brings others to their knees.

Lisa knows she's about to walk into a trap, so she draws on that special brand of stupidity she's known for and commits to going all in. She leaps forward in a flailing dive at Jennie and slams into—nothing? Lisa somehow misses her entirely, slapping face-down on the bed. She ends up horizontal on her stomach in what's rapidly becoming a familiar position, mouth full of cotton and utterly bewildered as to what just happened when she feels a hand on the back of her neck.

Oh, she thinks; Jennie didn't disappear at all. She just twisted quickly enough to dodge Lisa's attack, slipping around her so that Lisa is unintentionally presenting herself again. Jennie, as per usual, remains in a position of power above her—more accurately, behind her. The sort of position reserved for acts committed between people looking to ruin one another.

Jennie's lack of a cock doesn't bother her a jot; Lisa will still get right into doggy style anytime Jennie asks with a smile on her face. This may be her favorite position she's ever been in, if she's being honest. She loves the warmth of Jennie pressed to her ass, loves how easily Jennie could jerk her by the hair if she wanted to. It's baffling how secure Lisa feels with her ass snuggled up against Jennie's groin and face shoved into a blanket.

On a different note, Lisa always suspected it, but now she is sure: Jennie Kim has a creature inheritance. Lisa has no idea what, but even a submissive wolf should be able to beat a regular human being in a test of speed. Her reaction time is quite plainly supernatural. There's no other plausible explanation for Lisa smacking air and flopping like a wet noodle.

"Aw, Puppy—I thought you were going to shut me up," Jennie plays at mocking her even as she nudges her knee between Lisa's thighs.

Lisa welcomes the intrusion, utterly uncaring of the fact that her slick is soaking through Jennie's pants as she rolls her hips back to meet her. Jennie's thighs are perfect in general, but especially for this. There's no better place to rub herself—except perhaps Jennie's mouth if Lisa hasn't already lost that privilege (which is a big if).

Jennie's in rare form tonight; it truly just depends on how generous she's feeling whether she'll indulge Lisa or not.

Lisa, meanwhile, has become incapable of higher thinking. She's nearly panting as she tries to pick up the pace and Jennie catches her hip with her free hand, effortlessly controlling the speed at which Lisa can rock back on her. She won't be able to come like this. 

Why won't Jennie let her come, she thinks, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. It's practically inhumane.

"Look at you," Jennie murmurs, her hair tickling Lisa's bare shoulders. Her hand remains an iron grip on the back of Lisa's neck. "So desperate. You can't wait a moment longer, can you?"

"No," Lisa cries. "Not fair."

"What's not fair, Lis?" Jennie asks, obviously enjoying herself. She has no right to sound so enthralled.

"W-Wanna come," Lisa begs, falling back on what she knows in a time of crisis.

Her rationality is slipping. The edge of unknowing looms ever closer, threatening to condemn Lisa to the floating place where nothing matters besides Jennie's approval and how many times she's allowed to come.

It's a dangerous thing, slipping into subspace with another person present. It requires her to trust that person with everything she is and ever will be. Not exactly the usual fare one would expect when approaching casual sex with a friend.

Is Jennie her friend? Is she friend enough for this, for Lisa to split apart into a million pieces in her hands, never to be the same again?

That sort of leap isn't one taken lightly. It will change things, invariably, forever.

"Then give in to me," Jennie's voice cuts through the haze. "I have you."

Lisa falls.

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