Chapter 85 - Fear

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Lisa volleys between swooping fear and numb disbelief as Jennie's hands find her shoulders and she's planted back into her seat, face-to-face with Aminder. Uh-oh, Lisa thinks, still queasy with uncertainty. Since direct eye contact seems like a poor choice under the circumstances, she instead turns in search of Jennie.

She looks just in time to catch Jennie folding onto her knees with a grace so unlike most human beings, a strange, inherent balance unique to Kim family members.

Jennie doesn't return her gaze, but Lisa counts herself lucky that she's so thoroughly distracted by the wounds on Lisa's hands. Her face looks pinched and unhappy, something simmering beneath the surface of her icy composure that does not bode well for Lisa's ass and thighs.

The damage to her palms honestly looks worse than it feels. Nevertheless, Jennie's scent sharpens with displeasure, a sigh escaping between gritted teeth, and Lisa's pulse quickens like a little wood rabbit scenting a fox.

"We need bandages to stop the bleeding," Jennie mutters, carefully laying both of Lisa's hands in her lap.

Lisa shrinks back in her chair when she makes the mistake of catching Jennie's eyes and recognizes that she is in major, ass-threatening trouble. Jennie's gaze is nothing short of blistering.

Lisa winces and stutters out, "Sorry, it—" she gulps, unable to keep eye contact, "Was an accident, Jen. M'Sorry."

Jennie squeezes her wrist and remains silent. Once Lisa has gathered enough courage to meet her eyes, Jennie, with much gravity, says, "I need you to take care of this, Puppy."

Lisa can feel her brow furrowing. Jennie once produced an entire surgical kit to tend to a scraped knee, and now she wants Lisa to deal with her own battlewounds? If she's serious, it's a pretty significant departure from the norm.

"This?" Lisa hedges, hoping she misunderstood. "Like, the bleeding?"

Jennie's eyes tighten at the corners. "No," she replies, still gripping her wrist tightly enough that Lisa sways a little in her seat. "This," Jennie insists.

It takes Aminder lifting her teacup to hide her smirk for Lisa to finally grasp what Jennie's getting at. Oh, she thinks, flushing from her forehead to her chest. Leave it to Jennie to find a way to make asking Lisa to take care of herself sound utterly degrading.

What was it that Jennie had said while she spanked her?

Why do you think I fill you up so well, Lisa? Jennie asked her, and weeks later, Lisa can still hear Jennie's answer burning in her ears: Because I take care of my things.

Rationally, Lisa knows she shouldn't be slicking up over being equated to a thing that needs taking care of, but whatever. Worse things have happened than being attracted to her own intended in a moderately private setting. Hell, it was only an hour ago that Lisa was subjecting an entire Starbucks to her incredible lack of self-control. That was a lot worse than this.

Whether it's written in her DNA as a submissive wolf to find it hot when Jennie objectifies her or this just so happens to slam home on one of Lisa's more suspect kinks, the result is the same. Jennie shouldn't be allowed to keep doing this to her in public, Lisa grouses.

"Again, Shark?" Toby teases her.

Lisa's glare is summarily ignored, but she could swear that Aminder winks at her over the rim of her teacup, and that draws her up short.

"This body belongs to my beloved," Jennie continues unhampered, cradling Lisa's wrist like some precious relic. Toby gives a great, honking shout of laughter.

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