No Where You Go For You.

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Lotor tries to get out of the castle, but just before he was able to, Lance and Hunk blocked the way with their bayards. Lotor was just about to jump over the two boys when he got hit in the back in the neck by Shiro. Lance was looking at Lotor and whispered underneath his breath, "Go to hell, you sick son of a bitch."

After a few hours, Lotor wakes up in the same exact sell he was in when Allura didn't trust him at first. Lotor looks Allura and says, "In here again, Princess Allura?" Allura looks at Lotor with the eyes of betrayal and asks Lotor, "Why did you hurt Keith the way you did?" Lotor takes a moment to think if what to say. Lotor then says, "He was getting to close to my future empress." Lance then speaks up and says, "I was never your empress to begin with. You might have touched my body the way you did, but I didn't like it at all. I felt like I was being held against my will. But you wanted to feel satisfied." Allura and Pidge widened their eyes and then Pidge then says, "Thats why Keith attacked Lotor?" Lance then looks at Pidge with his eyes saying, "Thats exactly why he did that." Pidge then looks at Allura and sees that tears were about to fall off Alluras face. Pidge then runs to Allura to calm her down. Lance then looks at Lotor and said, " I warned you that if you hurt Keith, I will make sure that your destiny ends, right then and there. Permently!" Lotor looks at Lance and says, "Like you would ever touch me. Youre too scared to even get too close." Lance then inturrups, "I am but he is not." Lance points at Shiro. Lotor sees that Shiro is pissed as fuck to the point that Shiro wants to kill Lotor. "You are going to pay for what you did, you fucking asshole." Lotor, with fear in his eyes, he gulps and says, "Now, now, Shiro. You wouldn't kill me, now would you?" Shiro then says, "Oh I would. And I will."


Lotor is a Monster || Angst || Klance || blTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon