03 - long pond

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TW: mentions of weapons

"We have to be close now. I'm literally going to lose my mind" Jackson huffed.

Four days had gone by since they left. It took a little longer than expected, having a few run ins with the infected. On top of that, it turned out Colter didn't know his way around as good as he said he did so, yeah they got lost.

"Jackson shut up, we are almost there." Colter punched Jackson's arm causing the taller boy to hit Colter in the chest.

"Guys stop hitting each other." Parker spoke up. Celia just shook her head, rolling her eyes. She looked down at the dog that was walking next to her. She had found a purple bandana on there travels so she tucked it into his leather collar.

The dog huffed lightly at Celia who nodded "I know boy me too" she spoke to the dog as if he had really said something to her.

"Look it's just around this bend. Actually! Do you see that gate?" Colter asked

"What gate?" Jackson asked

"That big ass gate right there. Oh don't tell me you're blind now." colter asked with a laugh.

"I'm not but your about to be." Jackson went to hit the boy again but Parker grabbed his hand

"Stop it Jack." She ordered him. The boys almost always listened to Parker. There wasn't really a reason why, they just did.

"I see the gate now." Jackson said after a moment "how do we get in though?" He asked, tugging at his backpack

"I'll handle that don't worry." Colter smiled to himself

"I will worry. Thank you very much" Jackson bounced off him. It had been like this. Back and fourth between the two for the last four days. Parker getting between them to stop the sibling like banter before it got to far. Celia kept to herself most of the walk, Kenai was enough company. But she was glad to be around different people for a change. Hopefully decent people at that.

The four stopped just in-front of the gate, there was a small buzzer. Colter clicked it, a few seconds later a static rang through the speaker followed by a female voice.

"Who's all with you?" The voice asked

"Parker Fitch, Jackson Ellis and Cecelia Barlow. Oh and Kenai too." Colter said into the speaker. He was bent down towards it, his hands behind his back and his butt sticking out. He looked like such a dork.

"Kenai?" The woman sounded off put by the last name

"He's a dog, border collie." Colter confirmed. When the Stanton rang through again, the woman sounded like she had be laughing.

"Ok, I'm coming. Justin is coming with too." Then the static shut off. Colter stood up and smiled at the three.

"I'm excited." He said with a shit face grin.

Celia watched as two people emerged from a dirt trail. A tall man, an assault rifle in hand. He was wearing a plaid shirt and blue jeans. Big timberland boots to top it off. Next to him was a tall woman, there wasn't a gun in her hand, rather a large back device. There was pistol that was strapped to her leg. She had black ripped jeans on and big black boots. A skin tight black long sleeve. Her blonde hair was pulled back into what looked like a braid. Her bangs rested messily against her forehead.

"Wait, is that who I think it is?" Celia whispered to herself mostly as she made out the woman's face.

"Yup, that Alison." Colter smiled like he just delivered the most mind blowing information to man kind. Celia looked at him with a frown and furrowed brows. Before she could speak the blonde called out

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