Wife Her Up

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"Aubrey, I need your help." Beca spoke nervously through her phone.

Beca and Chloe had been dating for 5 years now. They got together during Beca's senior year at Barden and have been together ever since. Their relationship was perfect. Both knew they were completely in love with each other. On this day, however, Beca's heart was telling her something needed to be done with their relationship.

"Hey Beca, what's up? Are you okay? Where are you?" Aubrey said frantically on the other end of the phone, making the brunette let out a chuckle. Beca never called her unless there was an emergency, so this immediately concerned the blonde.

"Yeah, everything's fine Bree. I'm just at the mall but I need to tell you something..." She said, her voice training off at the end of her sentence.

"...Okay?" Aubrey said suspiciously, wondering why Beca was calling her of all people for help.

"So your Chloe's best friend right? I mean yeah of course you are! You've known each other for literally ever, correct? And you know we're like dating and stuff and I love her all that. And that's why I called you is because your her best friend and I figured you could maybe help me out? Because I want to do this right and I-"

"BECA!" Aubrey shouted, stopping the girl from rambling more than she already had. "Get to the point, would you?"

"Okay.." Beca sighed before continuing. "I-I wanna ask Chloe to marry me."

Little to Beca's acknowledgment, a large grin was spreading across the blondes face hearing the words come from the little DJ. Chloe always told her how happy the girl makes her and knowing the brunette completely felt the same made Aubrey so happy.

"So... Can you help me?" Beca said after not getting a response from Aubrey.

"Yeah, Yeah of course. I'll meet you at the mall in 10?" She said, rushing to grab her shoes and wallet before rushing out the door.

"Cool. See you then."

Once at the mall, Aubrey strolled past many busy stores with plenty of irritated people inside. The blonde sighed to herself. 'Of course Beca had to choose the busiest day to get a ring.' she thought to herself as she approached the pacing brunette.

"Oh, hey Bree." Beca breathed out, slowing down her pacing as the blonde approached her.

Aubrey grabbed the younger girls shoulders to still her and said, "Calm down Beca. Let's just go find a ring for her. She's going to say yes if that's what you're worried about."

"It's not that it's just-" she paused, looking for the right words to say. "Is it too soon? I mean we've been dating for 5 years. I just don't want to mess this up."

"And you won't. Chloe is as ready as you are. Trust me, she's going to be so happy."

Beca smiled at the blonde. Maybe she was right. It's the right time for them both. "Great, so let's go to the ring store.

The two made their way through the crowded mall before ending up at the luxurious ring store. The place smelled like an expensive perfume and had a mix of velvet and shiny elements. The brunette had never been in a store this fancy before. She immediately tensed up before remembering she needed a ring for Chloe.

"Hello, ladies." a kind man in a suit greeted the two at the counter. "How can I help you two today.


"She needs to get a ring. She's going to propose to her girlfriend and needs it to be extra special." Aubrey started, knowing the brunette got anxious in social situations.

"Oh, I see." He said with a small smile. "Congratulations young lady."

"Thank you, sir." She said with a small smile.

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