Sickness: 1 Beca: 0

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Beca's head thumped rhythmically as she sat at her desk, trying to think of ideas for her english essay.


The irritated brunette had spent 30 minutes at her desk, yet the only thing she had written was her name.


There was a bright ray of light shining right into her face from the window, so she stood up to close the curtains.


Groaning, Beca rested her head in her arms as she laid her head on her desk, wondering when her throbbing head would stop. Her body ached with fatigue, her nose was blocked, her chest was sore. But, this essay was due soon. Beca decided to power through and get it done.

"Hey guys!" Chloe said, walking through the front door of the Bella's house and setting her keys down on the table.

"Hey Chloe." Stacie said as she leaded across the bar in the kitchen.

"What are you guys doing?" Chloe asked, sitting on a barstool next to Flo and Cynthia Rose.

"Were just making cookies." Stacie said, motioning to the oven which had the sweet treats inside. "How was work?"

"It was good, thanks." She said plainly. The redhead worked as an intern at a vet office. She would be lying if she said it wasn't a fun job to have, but man, it was a lot of work. "Do y'all know where Beca is?"

"She's in her room. She said she was working on an essay, but little B didn't look too hot." Cynthia Rose said, reaching for a fresh cookie.

"Yeah. She even told me to keep the music down while I was having lady time. And you know how much she loves music." Stacie said, causing Flo and Cynthia Rose to give her an odd look while Chloe's face showed a glimpse of concern.

"I'll go check on her." Chloe said, standing up from the barstool and making her way to Beca's room.

Making her way to the brunettes door, she left a few light knocks before walking into her best friends room. This had become routine. Everyday after work, Chloe would make her way to Beca's room, usually seeing the brunette be occupied with work or school, and force her to stop whatever she was doing to talk to her. Beca was always reluctant, but always gave in to the redhead eventually. This was always Chloe's favorite part of the day. She loved spending time with the brunette.

"Hey Becs." Chloe said softly, closing the door behind her. Looking over at the brunettes desk, her face dropped as she looked at her best friend, slumped over in her chair with her head resting on the desk.

"Hey." a muffled voice came back in response from the desk.

"You okay?" Chloe asked sympathetically as she made her way over to the brunette and began to rub small circles on her back.

"Mhm." came the reply.

"Beca," Chloe crouched down beside the girl, hand still on her back as she lowered herself to eye level. "Look at me."

Beca rolled her head to the side to face Chloe and to see her best friend looking back at her with concerned eyes. The redhead immediately realized how pale, sweaty, and exhausted the girls face looked.

"Oh sweetie." Chloe said softly as she stood up beside her sick best friend and began to stroke her hair out of her face. At this action, Beca leaned her head against Chloes abdomen, seeking her warmth and comfort. "Lets get you to bed Becs."

Carefully, Chloe lifted the brunette up from under her arms until she was standing. She watched as the brunette tried her best to balance on her own, but eventually the redhead held the girl and guided her to her bed. Slowly but surely, Beca laid down on her bed with Chloe standing by her side.

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