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Eva woke up screaming again. Her throat ached and she coughed back tears.

She hated not being able to forget. She hated that the nightmares always seemed to follow when she was finally feeling good, like she was unable to escape.

She flipped on her light, rubbing her eyes. Her heart was still pounding, and she wanted Graham, or Miles, or Pierce.

She wrapped her blanket around her shoulders, leaving her bedroom. If they were asleep, she would just come back to her room.

Lucky for her, Graham was sitting on his couch with a book when she walked up. The room was mostly dark aside from the lamp next to him that cast him in a warm glow. He looked up at her, offering her a gentle smile.

"Hey, honey," he whispered, reaching for her. He lifted her into his lap, pushing back her sweaty hair from her face. "Poor thing. Can't sleep?"

She shook her head no, settling against him. Her eyes felt heavy, and she was warm.

"Do you want to sleep with us? See if that helps?" he asked. His hand ran the length of her back.

She didn't realize that all three of them slept in the same bed. While she definitely wasn't opposed to the idea, she would never want to put anyone out. She didn't remember Graham's bed being that big.

"Can I sleep here, on your couch?" she asked.

"If you want to," he said. "There's plenty of room with us, though. You wouldn't be putting anyone out. Pierce and Miles are still probably awake, if you want to see."

She did want to see them, wish them a good night if nothing else. She hadn't had a chance to see them all day after their fun outing together a few days ago. With the weather opening up, all three of them were busy.

She moved to stand up, but Graham kept her still, carrying her down the hallway. She didn't expect that, but she loved it.

Graham entered the bedroom, and Eva realized just how large the bed really was. How did she miss that?

Graham didn't have his shirt off, so she was a little distracted the first and only time she had been in here.

"Look who I found," Graham said, depositing her and her blanket right between Miles and Pierce.

Pierce reached over to shrug on his shirt that he had discarded on the floor, not before she noticed all of the scarring along his beautiful skin. It made her heart ache. She hated to think of any of them hurt.

"Still having bad dreams?" Miles asked

She nodded. "Not all the time."

"We all still get them occasionally," Pierce said, placing a pillow under her head. He helped her get under the blankets.

She hadn't intended on staying, but the sheets were warm and smelled like them.

She turned on her side so she was facing Miles who had also moved to lay on his side. There was very little space between them, but she didn't mind one bit.

He reached up, letting his finger run along her face gently, tracing her features, and lulling her right to sleep. She tried to keep her eyes open, not wanting this moment to end.

"Close your eyes, Evie," he whispered, just as Pierce turned off his lamp. The lamp on Graham's side was still on, but she appreciated having a little light.

She was asleep again almost immediately.


It was really bright out when she finally woke up. She was no longer facing Miles, but facing Pierce instead. She had nearly half of her body laying on top of his, and he had his arms wrapped tightly around her.

She was surprised that none of them were awake. She squinted at the clock, finding it to be nearly eleven o'clock. She had never slept that late before. It was already the afternoon.

But she was so comfortable. She closed her eyes again, enjoying being so close to Pierce. It felt like she had gone back to sleep for hours when he finally stirred. His arms loosened, one of his hands running down her back lightly.

Her eyes fluttered a bit, finally opening and settling on Pierce's warm gaze. His expression was soft and relaxed, and he let his thumb skimmed along her cheek.

"You're such a hog," Miles protested to Pierce, reaching for Eva. His hands went beneath her arms as he moved her over, and she was surprised by the laugh that came bubbling out.

"Miles," she protested as he squished her to his own chest. "You're tickling me."

Miles chuckled moving his hands down. "You are so cute."

Graham grunted a bit, tossing his arm over his eyes.

"You can cuddle Graham," Pierce said. "Let me have Evie."

"Will you two please be quiet?" Graham asked, opening his eyes. His lips quirked up at Eva, and he gestured her over.

Miles gave a dramatic gasp when she moved away from him, and over him, to Graham.

Graham hooked his leg around hers, flipping onto his side with his back to the others.

"You are really cute," Graham said, shutting his eyes again. He adjusted the blankets up higher around them. "especially when you are smiling."

Eva wiggled her arms free, reaching up to touch his face, brushing his hair out of his eyes.

She looked over to see Miles on top of Pierce. She liked seeing them together like that. She knew that they had limited their affection to each other because of her, and how she reacted when she had seen them kissing that first time.

She moved her eyes back to Graham to find him looking at her. He turned his head so his lips caught her palm.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Nothing," she answered honestly. "I just like being here with all of you."

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