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You were on your bed, staring at the luggage on the floor, your walk home didn't take long at all considering you were practically running back to your apartment. There was no way you wanted to run into him again, there was no way you wanted to see what his version of a romantic date spot was. Your blog just didn't seem worth your life.

Were you really going to move because of him? Wouldn't he just follow you anyhow? Was Paris safe for you? Was anywhere safe for you? He can't be that crazy, right? You guys barely know eachother this had to be some playboy trick.

You could almost hear his response ringing in your head. A Chill ran down your spine as you pictured his teasing voice and devilish grin, saying something dumb like 'Midnight already Princess? Don't you think you're goinghome too soon?'. Maybe this was a good idea.

You stood back up and started repacking again. As you tossed another pair of jeans into the suitcase you crouched on the floor and let out a groan. You had been going back and forth on this decision ever since you got home a while ago. He wasn't harmless so what was the point? Right? But what if he was just tricking you? What if he wasn't harmless until you called the police on him for the second time? What would he do when you stood him up for the interview / date?

No, not a date. Interveiw.

You made your choice to wait until you were done with your article for your actual job before you made this choice. Besides it was still daylight outside and you had no other preparations in order, where would you go? You were being way too rash with this choice with no pre-planning in mind, then again, who would plan for a situation to turn out like this?

You let out a huge sigh and ordered food to your house, the plans you had made for making dinner at home seemed way too overwhelming at the moment and the best choice would be just to do something that didn't require so much thought. Not only that but there was no way you had time to make dinner and finish your article.

Normally you wrote about boring political news or just recent Paris events but this time you wrote about something different. An old model coming back to the scenes for what is supposed his last photoshoot for an "Old Friend", most of your job is remote but on occasion you had to report to the head quarters and when you did all you heard about was how Miss Chloe Bourgeois is so heartless to the model boy.

Adrian? Aden? Adron? You couldn't remember to be frank. But apparently this boy had been in love with her since they were children and she keeps shooting him down. Her reasons seemed fair, she said that he only liked her because of who her father was and never really liked her, but she respected their friendship. Honestly you felt it was very mature of her to think this way and you were happy that she didn't end up going boy crazy over some guy or ended up also falling for him just because he was a model.

Though it is weird how she asked him to do a photoshoot with her, I mean why remind the guy you don't like him that way by doing a romantic fashion line with him for your birthday?

Maybe he's just that professional.

Your job mainly was to promote the shoot and hype out Mr. Agreste's last modeling gig for the time being. You had to sift through hours of a recorded conversation to find the most interesting parts to write about. Which was basically none of it.

You couldn't believe how boring this guy was. For being a big time model, you thought he had to be more then just a pretty face, but boy, was this guy mind numbingly boring. his answers were short and non-interactive at all, it was almost like he didn't even want to be there. You shot an email to your direct boss with the voice file attached to it, saying that the whole interview was unusable and there was no way you could use any of it for the article.

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