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That had to be one of the strangest interactions you have ever had with a human being, you couldn’t believe any part of your interaction had been real. Compared to Adrian, Chat Noir seemed tame. At least you had a way of escaping with Chaton, but with Adrian you were trapped, there was no calling the police to get out of it.

He couldn't have acted more of a playboy if he tried, seriously? The kiss on the hand and carrying the bag? Okay sure, but the ‘Pay attention to me’ and the ‘don't be a stranger’ not even mentioning the completely made up story of the girl he likes because she acts like he doesn't exist. It was a nice try but you weren't falling for that, especially not when you’ve had mental preperation. You numbed your brain to withstand Chat Noir, this novice wasn’t going to break you down not when you had more pressing matters at hand.

You were slowly starting to close in on Chat Noir, in just a few more hours you could have the potential to map out every move he was going to make. You didn’t need distractions, you
needed answers.


The question came to your mind before you could stop it. The one thing that you’ve been avoiding more than anything was why? No matter how long you thought about it, you never set a reason to it.

Was it your blog? Originally you just wanted your blog to be seen so that people would physically support Ladybug. Leaving a man this ‘dangerous’ alone while she was out fighting another villain was foolish.

But what about him really was dangerous? His awful flirting skills or his inability to read a room?

He has the power to make things disappear, and to what extent, we don't know, but he didn't seem that bad. Plus he hasn't used it for anything other than just stealing, so there's a brightside. None of it however explains why you were so drawn to solving this mystery, why were you looking for his purpose for crime?

Wasting all this time on E.A., researching pieces he has taken and returned versus the ones he kept, all of it. Were you somehow looking for an excuse, hoping deep down there was a valid reason.

You disagreed with that, however you couldn't completely get rid of it as a reason, he seemed like a nice enough guy just with a concerning hobby. You stopped fully while you were walking. There was no way you just labeled a crime as a hobby for a man you barely know.

You had to be sleep deprived, your sane mind would never label Chat noir a ‘Nice guy’. All you've done was try to get him arrested, not that you tried hard, but effort is all that counts.

If there was a reason for his actions, you were going to find out. Honestly, you had too much time on your hands.

You didn't deny the fact you needed a nap, but falling asleep would be too risky, especially because the curator will be waiting for you in 3 hours, it would be best just to try and wake yourself up more.

You decided not to walk fully to the museum but mostly in it's direction, you had already spent so much money on a cab fare to get to the photoshoot on time and you still had to get home. Walking at least part way there was the only thing you could do to let your poor wallet have a break. After a while of walking you had regretted not going back to your apartment, it had only got colder. You cursed at yourself, knowing full well you were going to pop into the next cafe you saw in order to get something warm. So much for saving money...

Adrian walked over to his manager, she was busy on the phone with someone but as soon as she saw him coming closer she hung up.

“Sir?” She said,

“Something came up, I won't be able to finish the shoot or be able to make the conference call in the morning, if you could push it back, that would be great.” Melissa sighed at him.

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