Chapter 3: Amry

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I could not believe that Alek has the guts to ask me if I was dating my 12-year old ranch hand. It isn't like it is his business anymore. It kind of was until he gave me an excuse to not have to support me at the rodeo but came to support Dixie instead. He will never know how crushed I was. That was one of the worst nights of my life. We had been romantically involved for two years but friends since we were six. I was with him when the popular kids started to notice him as a really good football player. We had been friends since I met him as a scrawny 6-year-old. I was riding my little pony along the back country road that his family was driving on. I waved as they passed and to my surprise a little boy in the backseat waved as well. We met at school in class and hit it off from the first second. I thought I had his loyalty and companionship as both a friend and girlfriend. However, that night I showed him I would not be affected by his betrayal and lies. Can you believe the Monday after he thought we could be back to the way we were before that rodeo? I was so hurt, I just walked away.

So after him questioning my dating life, I went and brought my herd in from the pasture to eat. Daisy is one of my friendliest mares and I was able to ride her without a halter. As I ride them past the porch, I see Alek with his mouth hanging open. I forget all those years between us and call out, "Shut your mouth, unless you want to be a professional fly trap." And he did. I opened the gate and she went in. Followed by the other horses. I went into the barn to get feed for them when I heard grunting and groaning from the back stall. Where my pregnant mare was living the last few days of her pregnancy at. I dropped the idea of getting them their grain. They probably will be angry but they have a hay bale in the pasture. I ran to the house and called the vet. Dave said he would be there as soon as possible. In the meantime, I was going to try and help her. "Stay as long as you want but fair warning it might get loud and ugly. I have a horse that is having trouble foaling." I inform Alek, who runs to catch up to me. He asks me what he can do. I tell him to hold the towel, be ready to dry off the baby, keep an eye out for Jackson, tell him to go outside because he does not need to see this and keep an eye out for the vet.

I pull off my flannel shirt and put on my shoulder length gloves. I then gently enter the mare, trying to find the baby in the birth canal. I find the foal is in position but with a leg out of place. I quickly determine I need to push the foal back inside and grab the leg. As the mare grunts in pain, I move the foal into place and pull when she pushes. After some time of pushing and pulling the little foal is born. Alek swoops in with the towel and dries the nose of the foal off gently. Then place her beside her momma. I pull off my gloves and deposit them in the trash. When I come back, Alek is being sniffed by the baby.

I quickly pull out my phone and take pictures of them. I am checking the pictures I took when I see Alek's face inches from mine. His eyes scanned my face. Suddenly, he kisses my face. Between kisses he says, "That was amazing" and "You are amazing." After he says those things, he takes me in another breathtaking kiss. Until a little boy tugs on my jeans. Alek pecks my lips one more time and I focus on the little boy. "Hi, Jackson! Do you want to see the baby?" Jackson enthusiastically nods his head. I picked him up and put him on my hip. As Alek exits the stall and shuts the door. I hold the little boy to see the foal. He was so smitten by this little baby; he couldn't stop staring at her.

Alek wraps his arm around my lower back until the vet arrives. Even then, he is reluctant to move away. I can only assume that our time together will be over, and it will all return to normal. The vet examines both mom and baby. He tells me I did a good job and was on his way. Surprisingly at six in the evening, Alek was still here when Jackson was picked up. "So, are you staying for the night?" Alek looks from the sunset to me and responds, "If it is okay with you, yes." I nod and walk towards the house. Alek pulls me back into a sweet hug before we enter the house. "I'm going to get a shower then I will make something for dinner." Alek shakes his head, "I will." I nod and then go to get my shower.

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