Chapter 10: Alek

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After bugging Amry at breakfast, we begin the morning chores. When they are done, she works with two of her horses. Meanwhile I was planning a nice dinner at Amry's favorite restaurant. I had slipped away briefly to call the restaurant to get a reservation for two. While I watch her work with the gelding Mason, I think back to earlier. She asked Sampson to lay down so I could get off. Little did she know, I wasn't getting off any time soon as I was too busy looking at her gorgeous lips. She stretches her hand out to me. Perfect! I take her hand and pull her to my mouth before kissing her thoroughly. Our tongues battle for dominance as Sampson grunts underneath me. Amry breaks away telling me that I should probably get off Sampson. I do and she latches the gate once he goes through. Afterwards, I sweep her off her feet and into my arms. She says, "You could put me down, you know." I look down at her, "I could but I don't want to, baby doll." She glares playfully at me.

We get to the tack room and Amry prepares the food while I lean against the doorway. She gives me two buckets. The feeding is calm and easy. She has been walking around in these tight jeans with black cowboy boots all day and it's becoming very hard for me. I grab her around the waist before picking her up and pushing her against the door. She wraps those pretty legs around my waist and her buckle rubs off on mine. It just got really hard for me. I connect our lips and I murmur how perfect she is between kisses. 15 glorious minutes go by before she gets to working with the horses.

After she works with her last horse of the day, we head inside and relax on the couch. Her head is resting on my lap, and I play with her hair a bit. Soon enough it is four in the afternoon and time to do evening chores. They go by smoothly and quickly. I ask her to get changed into nice clothes for going out. I had my aunt pack some nice jeans and a shirt when she brought clothes earlier. We are ready to go within half an hour and we arrive there by six. "You brought me to my favorite restaurant. Thank you!!" She kisses me on the cheek, and I park the car. I open my door and rush to her door. I open it just as she grabs the handle of the ford my dad bought for me. She narrows her eyes at me. I hold out my arm and she loops her arm around mine. When we sit down, we order our sweet teas and an appetizer with bread. Twenty minutes later, we received our meals. Two steaks with slight pink in them with baked potatoes, coleslaw and fries. The dinner was going so well until our high school cheerleader showed up. Clarissa is Dixie's friend and is the head cheerleader.

They come towards us with their fake high-pitched giggles. I quickly get up and sit beside Amry. Seconds after the first cheerleader exclaims loudly, "Hi!! Alek!!" I roll my eyes and Amry scoffs. "Excuse us, my girlfriend and I are trying to finish our date in peace. So, if you could leave us alone, that would be so nice of you all." The one looks around and says, "I don't see your girlfriend." I sigh in exasperation. "If you're looking for blonde hair, you got the wrong girl. I'm in love with a redhead. And she happens to be sitting right beside me." The cheerleader calls back to another one, "Get Clarissa." Her minion leaves and moments later she returns with Clarissa. "What are you doing cheating on Dixie? Clarissa asks me. "Excuse me? I am not dating Dixie. I am dating the beauty beside me. I have never loved Dixie, nor will I ever date her again. Tell her to stay away from us and leave us in peace, please." Clarissa is stunned into silence. Minutes later, she has more to say, and it is directed at Amry. "You do know Alek pretends to be in love with you but anyone excluding you can see that." Amry tilts her head and I look at her, wordlessly pleading with my eyes for her not to believe what Clarissa said. "Why should I believe you? Fooling Alek into thinking he was dating and in love with Dixie failed. So now you are trying to get me to break up with him by lying." She looks at Clarissa, "Plus the best way to get lighter hair is to go outside and do something other than exercise your thumbs. Also, your legs need some more tan before you try to look like a Georgia peach in that outfit because you are as pale as a pear."

Clarissa walks away speechless and I say to Amry, "That was amazing." She smiles at me. "She had it coming." We both chuckle. "How about dessert?" She thinks for a second, "Sure. It might make me a little bit sweeter." She says after winking at me. "I think you're sweet enough, darling." I responded. I gesture to the waitress who comes by a few seconds later. She asks us what we want. Amry orders an apple pie and I order chocolate ice cream. While she's eating the pie, a tanned and muscular arm wraps loosely around Amry's neck. She looks over at me rolling her eyes. I see the long brown hair of Chief. Amry grabs his forearm with her hand and applies pressure with her fingernails. Moon shaped marks form in his arm and a drop of blood pools out. With the other arm, Chief stretches his arm out to grab her spoon and digs into her apple pie. Amry reaches around with her other arm and grabs his shirt. She pulls on the shirt and forces him to her level. She grabs his ear, and he immediately abandons the pie. As the spoon clatters to the plate, a voice rings out. "Wow, that doesn't look like Alek. Right in front of him you are getting it on with another guy. Guess that means he is all mine." Dixie. When did she get here? Both Amry and Chief scowl at her presence. She struts over to me and sits on my lap. Before I can push her off Amry stands and grabs Dixie's arm. Meanwhile Chief sat in the seat she had once occupied. Amry shoves Dixie beside him and sits on my lap. She looks smugly at Dixie, and I grin at her.

Dixie starts rubbing up on Chief who is too busy watching a pretty woman across the room. Her red hair sways when she turns to set her green eyes on Chief. Amry kicks Dixie in the leg before telling her to leave. When Dixie leaves, she leans back against my chest. She turns her head to look at me. Her smoldering eyes entrance me and she meets my lips with her lips. The world stands still, and everything disappears. Except us. Her lips, my lips, us and her sitting in my lap. Her hair tickles the side of my neck while our lips move against each other. Her moist tongue probs mine and they fight for control. When Chief coughs, our lips are swollen.

"Are you lovebirds done?" He raises an eyebrow at him. "Maybe." Amry says and winks at him. She stands announcing she has to go to the bathroom, and she struts past me. The boys all stare at her as she passes by.

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