Chapter 2

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"Out of my way!" A mix of irritation and panic gripped Vegeta's chest as he stormed through the halls of Capsule Corp towards the infirmary, holding Goku's unconscious body tightly in his arms.

What the hell just happened?

He desperately tried to wrack his brain for answers.

Normally, Goku would have had no problem matching his intensity in battle, but he was barely able to put up a fight.

And now he had collapsed?

What could have caused this? And why was he so out of energy?

This isn't like him.

Well, whatever the case, I need to hurry.

Stopping in front of the infirmary, he used his foot to kick open the door, stepping inside.

"One of you, get over here now!" He demanded. "I need you to take a look at him. It's urgent. He collapsed during our fight. He's not responding."

"O-of course! Right this way, Mr. Vegeta!" A woman stammered, leading him to room three. It wasn't like he held any actual authority, but most people were afraid of him.

Vegeta's expression was somewhat forlorn as he placed Goku's body down on the stretcher. A body which felt so much lighter than it should have been.

I could have sworn he weighed more than this.

Tuning out his surroundings, he ran a hand across Goku's forehead, brushing some hair out of his face.

Even as he slept, his breaths were ragged and uneven.

His skin is so pale...

Is he sick?

Sitting down in the chair, he took in the sight of the medical equipment and monitoring devices surrounding them, watching as a couple doctors came into the room, checking Goku's vitals and pulse.

He watched them work, waiting to hear what they had to say.

"His blood sugar is low. And he appears to be malnourished. Do you know if he's eaten anything today?" One asked.

"To be honest, I'm not sure." Vegeta admitted. "He only got here a little while ago."

Blood sugar...? He paused at the thought. Well, that would certainly explain why he collapsed. But even so... What on earth would possess that idiot to fight me if he felt that way...? Doesn't he know how important it is to keep his energy up? Only a fool would try to fight somebody on an empty stomach. And Kakarot always eats.

Something's not adding up here.

That's when the realization passed over him.

Hold on. If it's really just hunger causing this, then couldn't I just give him a senzu bean? Surely, it would have no problem filling him up.

"There's something I need to get. I'll be right back." Leaving Goku in the hands of the doctors even if only temporarily, Vegeta quickly made his way out of the building, flying off in the direction of Korin's tower, trying his best to tell himself that a senzu bean would fix Goku right up.

They said it's low blood sugar.

He just forgot to eat. A skipped meal. That's all.

So why am I so worried about him?

In that moment, the sight of Goku's sickly pale skin flashed through his head.

His labored breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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