Long Journey Home

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The village was short on man power, so teams were forced to often be split up for missions. Kiba, Naruto, Neji, and Rock Lee were returning from a mission. Their mission was successful, and they were traveling through a deep forrest.

Kiba stopped when he saw Akamaru whimpering in the direction of the river. "What is it, boy?" Kiba asks his Ninja hound companion.

"Kiba?" Neji, team leader questions.

"Akamaru smells something by the river. He thinks someone's hurt." Kiba tells Neji.

"Biakugan!" Neji starts his biakugan to see if anything is there. "I sense Chakra. The person seems weak and injured."

"I'm on it!" Naruto runs off toward the river.

"Naruto, wait!" Neji yells, but it's no use. The rest follow Naruto.

The girl sat against a large rock, clutching her ankle, which had a large gash. She could hear multiple sets of footsteps coming from the forrest. She raised her right hand and spoke softly. "Crystal shurikin jutsu..." A pink crystal in the shape of a shurikin shot from her hand and just missed a blonde haired boys head.

"Woah, we're not enemies! Are you hurt?" The boy stepped closer, and she saw three more and a dog coming.

"Crystal rain cloud jutsu!" She yelled, and a cloud appeared above them, shooting small shards of pink crystals.

"Rotation!" Neji yells as a blue sphere surrounds them all.

"Huh... Rotation. You're a Hyuga? So you're from the leaf village?" She winced as she felt a sharp pain in her ankle.

"I tried telling you, we're not gonna hurt you. Let me look at your ankle..." Naruto steps toward her.

"Naruto, don't forget, she just attacked us..." Neji warns.

Akamaru whines. "Neji, look at her. She's obviously scared out of her mind!" Kiba yells.

"She just thought she had to defend herself..." Lee says as he steps closer also. Lee took a bandage from his ninja pack and wrapped it around her wound.

"We're going to get you some help, okay. Who are you?" Neji asks.

"My name is Naomelli Kyoku, of the Leaf..." The girl says.

"The leaf? Kyoku? No, you're lying." Neji says.

"My clan was killed off thirteen years ago by Orochimaru, yes, but he took me and tortured me, using me as a test subject for years. I escaped two weeks ago. I was trying to get back to the Leaf when I fell and slashed my ankle on some kind of wire trap. I'm telling the truth."

"We'll get you medical treatment, but the Intel core will tell if you're telling the truth." Neji says as Naruto picks the girl up on his back and carries her.

Neji and Kiba return to Lord Fifth to fill her in on the success of the mission and about the girl, while Naruto and Lee bring the girl to the hospital.

Naruto and Lee walk into the hospital with the girl. "Sakura, this girl needs help," Naruto says as he sees Sakura.

Sakura points to a room, and he brings her in. "Who is she?" Sskura asks Naruto.

"She says she's from the Kyoku clan." Naruto tells her.

"But the Kyoku clan..." Sakura starts.

"I know. She says Orochimaru held her all these years." Sakura's eyes went wide when she spotted a mark on the girls shoulder.

"Well, she was definitely with Orochimaru. Look at her shoulder..." Sakura says.

Lady Tsunade entered with Shikaku Nara and Inoichi Yamanaka. "My name is Tsunade, I'm the Hokage. What's your name?"

"I'm Naomelli Kyoku, ma'am." She speaks as she winced in pain.

"Sakura, treat her wound as we speak to her." Tsunade ordered.

"Yes ma'am..." Sakura begins healing the girl.

"This is Inoichi and Shikaku. They will determine whether we can trust you. The young men who found you said you mentioned Orochimaru."

"Yes, ma'am. He attacked our clan when I was only three. That part, you know. He spared me, saying I had potential. He gave me this curse mark that day. He wanted to use my clans special jutsu. Our ability to use crystals. Two weeks ago, I escaped."

"You attacked our ninja. Why?" Shikaku asks.

"I didn't know they were from here. Then I saw the boy use rotation. I instantly realized they were from here after that." She paused and started to cry. "I apologize for attacking them. I was scared.  I'd been fighting for my life for thirteen years."

"As Lady Tsunade told you, I'm Inoichi Yamanaka. I need to read the information in your mind. That will tell us everything we need to know."

She nods in approval.  She understood they had to be cautious. Inoichi placed his hand on her head, and her eyes closed.

He was in a large gray room, cement walls, and floor with just a small bed and a sink. He saw a girl, very young. About three. She was crying. Then he saw a man, Orochimaru, bite her, giving her the mark.

Now, he was in a room with flashing machines and monitors. The girl was six or seven now. She had tubes in her arm, blood being taken.

He saw the same girl, maybe thirteen or so, begging Orochimaru to let her go back to her home, her clan.

"They're all dead, now..." He told her.

"No! You're lying!" She cried.

"So you see, child, even if you did leave, where would you go? You're an orphan. Nobody would want you. I could have killed you, too, but I let you live."

"I'd rather be dead!" She screamed. He just shut the door and left.

He sees the girl running through the forrest late at night, scared, crying. Dirty and bloody.

He removed his hand from her head, looking to Lady Tsunade with a solemn look. "Everything she is saying is true... This is Naomelli Kyoku. The last Kyoku. She escaped from Orochimaru just as she said."

The girl sobbed. "Thank you, Mr. Yamanaka. Thank you." Lady Tsunade touched her hand lovingly to the girls head.

"Welcome home, Naomelli. You're safe now..."

Naruto stood in the corner, furious. Orochimaru, that bastard.

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