Talk Of The New

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Naomelli laid in the hospital bed. It was early morning. She heard a knock on the door. A moment later, the blonde haired boy and the boy in the green jumpsuit came in.

"Hi Naomelli. Nice to see that your leg is better." The black haired boy says with a smile.

"Thank you for helping me. I'm really sorry I attacked you."

"Oh, that, it's nothing!" Naruto smiles and rubs the back of his head.

"It's totally understandable. You must have been through a lot, Naomelli. You mustn't apologize!"

"By the way, I'm Naruto, and this is Lee." Naruto smiles.

The three turn to the door to see Kakashi and Guy.

"I see you've met my protégé. My name is Might Guy. I'm one of the Sensei here in the Leaf."

"My name is Kakashi Hatake. I will be in charge of making sure you have everything you need here in the village. Most importantly, I'm working on finding you a safe place to stay. I have a few ideas, but nothing is set in stone."

"Well, anyway, the Hokage, in her great wisdom, has approved for you to leave the hospital. Luckily, your injury wasn't severe." Guy says joyfully.

"I will take you to the Hokage once you're dressed." Kakashi states.

"I don't have any clothes, Mr. Kakashi." She says quietly. 

"That reminds me!" Naruto exclaims as he pulls a bag from around his shoulders. "We visited the girls we know, knowing you'd need some clothes. Sakura, TenTen, Hinata, and Ino all gave us some things for you." He smiles and places the bag in front of her.

"Really... That is so kind of them. You must help me thank them later, by introducing me." She gives a small smile.

"Definitely!" Lee says. "Later, we will give you a tour and make sure you meet everyone."

"Naruto, Lee, let's leave Naomelli to change." Kakashi says as the four exit.

Naomelli stands carefully and looks through the bag. She finds a nice blue outfit and matching shoes that fit her nicely. She brushed her hair with a hairbrush that one of the girls put in the bag and put it in a half up, half down hairstyle.

She exited the room and saw the four waiting down the hall.

Naruto's eyes went wide, as did Lee's as they realized how beautiful she is. "Wow, Naomelli, you really are beautiful!" Naruto exclaims. Lee simply blushes and stays quiet. He was always very shy.

"Naruto, she just got here, don't scare her off..." Kakashi warns in a teasing manner. Naruto simply sticks his tongue out at his Sensei. Naomelli can't help but giggle.

"You're so sweet, Naruto." She smiles. "I think we'll be great friends." Naruto smiles as she walks off with Kakashi Sensei.

Lady Tsunade was in her office when she heard a knock on her door. "Come in." She says in a frustrated tone.

Kakashi opens the door, and he and Naomelli walk in. She is holding a bag on her shoulders and wearing something that looked like it belonged to Hinata at one point.

"Is it a bad time, ma'am?" Kakashi asks.

She sighs. "No. The village is just so swamped with missions, and we don't have a fraction of what we need..."

"I'm very good at Ninjutsu, Lady Hokage. I could do some missions."

Tsunade smiles. "I appreciate your willingness to help, Naomelli, but you haven't had any training here, and we don't even know your jutsu levels. I'm afraid making you a ninja would take some time."

"Well, I can start training whenever, ma'am." She says. "I've never wanted more than to be a part of this village, Lady Hokage. Please, let me prove myself..." She begs her to give her this chance.

She thinks a moment. "I'll tell you what. Since you're so eager, you can get some books from Shizunae and start studying. In two weeks, Kakashi will give you an exam. Based on that exam, it will be my decision on what you can do here."

"Oh, thank you, Lady Hokage, thank you!" She says with more glee than she's shown since she arrived.

"Anyway, Kakashi. Hiashi Hyuga has offered to take Naomelli in with his family. You can bring her there as soon as you can."

"Yes ma'am. Naomelli, follow me." Naomelli follows Kakashi as Shizunae hands her a few books.

She can't wait to start training and take the test so she can be who she was always meant to be.

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