First Mission

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They all sit by a fire, their sleeping bags out, set up for night. Naomelli had five tin cups over the fire, containing water and her tea signature mixture.

"What is that tea? It smells wonderful!" Lee exclaims.

She smiles. "Lavender, dried cramberries, lemon zest, ginger, and mint. It helps revitalize Chakra, build healthy energy, and detoxifies your body. It works wonders to prepare for bed."

She hands each person their cups they brought, and they all sip it. "This is delicious." Neji tells her with a smile.

"Neji, oh my God, you're smiling!" TenTen says, shocked.

Neji blushes but avoids stating the obvious. "I can appreciate a well-made tea, is all." He says and sips it again.

"You really know how to brew," Guy admits. "You must be a good cook too." Neji simply smiles, knowing this is true.

"I'm glad you like it." She smiles.

"I'm going to call it a night. We have to move bright and early." Guy stands up.

"Me, too!" Lee goes to bed, as does TenTen.

Neji and Naomelli sit by the fire a while longer. "How does it feel?" Neji asks. "Your first mission."

"I can't believe it's finally happening. For thirteen years, I've dreamed this would happen. It's finally here." She smiles.

"I'm glad you came back to the village. You made me feel joy and happiness. For the first time, in a long time, I feel complete..."

She smiles and gives him a quick kiss. "I'm gonna call it a night, too. Goodnight, Neji." She goes to bed.

After a couple more days of travel, they arrive at their destination. It was raining heavily. "Ugh, I hate the rain." TenTen complains.

Just then, they all realize there is an umbrella of sorts floating over them, following them as they walk. It was made of pink crystals.

"I can create items using my crystal creations jutsu. I just picture what I want, and it is created."

"That's quite a handy jutsu!" Guy says pleased. "We'll need to find shelter, everyone. It rains very frequently here. Especially after the tornado."

Naomelli walks over to a large clearing outside of town. "There's nothing here." TenTen says.

"Crystal creations, jutsu..." Naomelli speaks, and moments later, a crystal cabin is formed."

Woah!" Lee exclaims. "That's incredible!"

"Yes, it's impressive." Guy states.

They all go inside, place their things, and leave to meet the leader of the town. They all stay under the umbrella as they walk.

They approached a town where they were meant to go. The sight was tragic, buildings collapsed, debris scattered everywhere, trees fallen.

A man approached from behind. "It's a sore sight, I know..." They all turn and see an old man wearing a gray robe. He had white hair and wrinkled skin. The man had a large white umbrella covering him. "We've had tornados before, but this, this was different."

"How so?" Guy asks.

"It looked more like ninjutsu than a natural storm. It was green and had the texture of rocks."

Naomelli notices something off to the right, a large collection of wooden cross graves. "Were all of these graves from the storm?"

The man sighed. "Yes. No natural storm ever hurt our people like this..."

"Guy Sensei. I need to tell you something. It's important." Guy nods, and the team follows her to the graves.

"What is it, Naomelli?" The Sensei asks.

"This wasn't natural. Somebody did this, killed all these people... And I know who did it." She turned and looked to the village that was in shambles. "These people are in danger, and he will be back. He wanted me to come here. He's trying to get me back..."

"What are you talking about?" Neji asks.

"Orochimaru copied and reinvented my crystal type for his own use. He created Emerald Jutsu, which is what he called it. It's just like my crystal type. A green tornado with the texture of rocks. You can't convince me that's a coincidence."

"I see... TenTen, Lee, Neji, and you, Naomelli. This is officially an A rank mission. We need to act with extreme caution."

"We need to warn these people. Evacuate them and prepare." Naomelli tells them.

"And we need to get word to the Leaf of our suspicion." TenTen adds.

"I agree." Guy Sensei speaks. "Naomelli. You need to tell us everything you know about this Jutsu. After we evacuate all these innocent people." He adds.

The five walk up to the man they spoke with before. "Sir. My name is Naomelli Kyoku. This storm. You said it was worse than one you've ever had... And I know why." She paused. "My clan, which all but me was killed off thirteen years ago, possesses a distinctive Jutsu. We can form crystals to use as ninjutsu."

"What does this jutsu have to do with this natural disaster we've faced?" The man asks her, confused.

"Because it wasn't natural... A man, evil and wicked, killed my clan and took me away. He held me captive for the past thirteen years. He harnessed my jutsu and twisted it. The storm you had here was created by his version of my jutsu. I escaped, and he's angry. Unfortunately, I have a strong belief that he targeted your home to get to me..."

"You're saying this man killed more than half of my people to get your attention?" He had visible anger in his eyes.

"Yes, sir. And now that I'm here, he will be back. Your people do not hold responsibility for this fight. You must evacuate everyone!" She urges.

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