Train Hard, Play Hard

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Naomelli walked down the streets of the village, watching all the people walking by. Little boys and girls with their parents. She could still remember her mother's smile. Warm, kind, loving.

"Hey, Naomelli, right?" She hears a voice from behind. She turns to see the boy with the dog.

"Hello. I'm sorry, but I forgot your name." She gives a slight smile.

"Kiba. And this is Akamaru." Akamaru sniffs her ankle.

"That's right, Akamaru. I'm all better now." She smiles and pets him as he wags his tail.

"What are you doing right now?" Kiba asks her.

"Well... Mr. Hiashi wanted me to explore and make friends. But I'm looking for a place to train." She says.

"Say no more! I know the perfect spot! Hinata and Shino won't mind sharing it." Akamaru woofs. "See, Akamaru says it's fine." She giggles and nods. Kiba leads the way to a spot in the woods.

They get there, and Hinata and some other boy are training together. The boy is an insect handler. Part of the Aburame clan.

"Shino, this is Naomelli. She needed a place to train today, so I brought her here."

"Nice to meet you, Naomelli." Shino says. "We could help you train if you'd like."

"Yeah, I don't mind!" Hinata says excitedly.

"Well... I started working on a new Jutsu. I call it Crystal Tornado." She says.

"Try it out. We'll watch." Kiba says.

"Okay. But could you all stand off to the side, more? It's not perfected yet, and it has a wide target area." They move over, and she takes a deep breath. "Crystal Tornado Jutsu!"

A wide tornado made of crystal particles, almost like dust forms and spirals through the woods, severely damaging three trees. It dies out, and the three are amazed at her jutsu.

"Woah! That's incredible!" Kiba yells.

"Do all of your jutsu involve crystals? Because Neji told me about Crystal Shurikin and Crystal Rain Cloud." Hinata asks.

"Well, yes, the Kyoku clan specialized in using Crystal based jutsu. I'm also quite skilled in Taijutsu."

"Kyoku?" Shino asks. "But I thought they're all gone."

"Orochimaru spared me for his own selfish purpose. But I escaped and came back here where I belonged." She said.

"Crap. I forgot I have to help my mom with the new litter of pups today." Kiba says frantically. "Got to go." He runs off.

"I have to go too. My dad is supposed to help me get a new species of insect today." Shino walks off.

"I'm supposed to meet Kurunai Sensei for a private training session. Sorry, Naomelli." Hinata leaves.

Naomelli sighs and walks off toward the village again. She walks for a while and sees Kakashi. "Hello, Mr. Kakashi." Naomelli waves. Kakashi was standing next to another man. He had brown hair.

"Oh. Hello Naomelli. This is Yamato. He's another Sensei. He doesn't currently have students, so he's agreed to help you train and prepare." Kakashi tells her.

"Really?! It's great to meet you, Mr. Yamato! I'm so grateful you'll be helping me." She bows slightly.

"Oh please, don't bow for me. It's a pleasure to help you, really." He smiles. "If you'll follow me, we can start our first lesson." She nods and follows Yamato.

They stand in a large clearing, full of grass and wildflowers. Yamato takes out a notepad and pen.

"Mr. Yamato..." She speaks.

"Yes, Naomelli?" He responds and looks to her.

"What is the notepad for?"

"To take notes on your knowledge and jutsu."

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your jutsu capability?" She asks shyly, hoping she didn't overstep.

"I don't mind at all..." He paused and motioned to a blanket he set down under a tree. "I'm a wood style user. I can use a wide range of wood style jutsu."

"I see... So, you don't know much about my crystal form?" She said sadly.

"I have knowledge of many jutsu types, even if I can't use them. Yours is no exception."

"I see."

"Don't worry. Today's lesson will mostly be us talking, not much jutsu performing. Only enough to see your basic skills."

"I only wish I had the support of my clan to teach me, but they're all gone..."

He thought a moment. Maybe he could help with that. I mean, he couldn't bring them back, obviously, but he was in the anbu at one time. He could try to get access to her clans documents. After all, he felt that was her personal right. But he wouldn't mention that possibility to Naomelli until he knew for sure.

"You know. When I last saw you, before the attack, you were so little... I never knew you'd survived, but just know that your parents would be so proud of you. Surviving all those years with Orochimaru, finding your way back here, and still wanting to be a ninja. You've grown into a beautiful and kind young lady, Naomelli..."

She wiped a few tears away. "You knew my parents?" She asks, trying to calm herself.

"I did. You were their pride and joy. Your father, Tikomo, was one of my best friends. Your mother, Shikima, was like a sister to me."

She was fighting tears, trying to seem stronger than she felt. "What were they like?"

"Your father was a good man and a great ninja. He would give his life for the village. When your clan was attacked, he did everything in his power to protect everyone. Against Orochimaru, no one is really strong enough, though."

She smiled. "And my mother?" She wiped her tears as her smile showed. "I still kind of remember her smile..."

Yamato smiled. "Her smile, yes. You have her smile, Naomelli, and her eyes too. You have her sense of kindness and your father's bravery and strength." Yamato looked up at the night's sky. "I didn't realize how long we'd been talking. Let me get you home. We'll train tomorrow."

Yamato walked her a bit of the way back to the Hyuga house when she spotted Neji.

"Neji!" Naomelli smiled and waved.

"Naomelli, why are you out so late, alone?" He asks, concerned. "Oh, Captain Yamato. Hello. Nevermind, I see you were safe. If you'd like, I can walk with you, Naomelli."

She nods with a smile. "Thank you, Mr. Yamato! See you tomorrow!" She waves as she and Neji walk.

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