Chapter 15

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We can't tell you much else.


The headquarters of the Knights of Favonius reeked of sorrow and silence. [Name] suspected it'd be quiet for Jean's sake, but it was hard to expect pure silence in a place like this: especially with the squeaking of the flooring and echoing walls. Woah, these tiles are so clean. How do they do that? With a distracted mind, the rushing of footsteps bypassed their ears as Venti's mischievous eyes searched for anyone to introduce the Creator to.

"Klee!" The familiar voice caught the attention of the two, but it rendered useless as a small body collided with [Name] and sent them to the floor. They flinched a little, carefully lifting themselves up to see the little girl carefully checking her bag in case anything had cracked or shattered inside. Another pair of footsteps followed which was far more elegant although rushed, slowing down once they reached the commotion. "Your Grace..."

[Name] lifted their head up, squinting a little at the light that seemed to brighten but perked up. "Albedo! Hey~!" Their line of sight soon fell towards the culprit, letting a few chuckles escape their throat as they notice the red colour scheme of Klee as she rummages through her bag and checks up on Dodoco's condition. With the assistance of the homunculus, they soon rose to their feet and brushed themselves off instinctively before their mind could whine and whistle with nagging.

"I'm so sorry," the blond apologised almost immediately as he lowered his head in an apologetic way. "I didn't expect for her to run so quickly."

"It's fine," the Creator brushed it off, crossing their arms with a gentle smile. "No foul down, right? Nobody's hurt so it's not an issue." Klee's eyes slowly left her bag towards [Name], brightening with a spark as she jumps up and down excitedly.

"Woah!" She immediately discarded her bag as she rushed closer towards the adult, "the Creator!" She squealed excitedly, rocking her body side to side with a smile. "Master Jean told me all about you!"

An anxious, awkward smile threatened [Name]'s face as they nodded slowly, I never know how to talk to kids. I always thought Klee was adorable but... she's pyro. She has more energy than I ever had.

Unaware of the social troubles, Klee continued her gleeful blabbering. "She always told me," the small kid cleared her throat, adopting a pseudo-serious look on her face with her small cheeks puffing out as she lowers her voice to mimic Jean. "Ahem! 'The Divine Creator probably won't like your enthus... entus... enthes?' uh...?"

"... Enthusiasm...?"

"Yes! That word! 'So you shouldn't be so...' hm..." Her expression shifted pretty quickly, looking up at Albedo for assistance but he was just as clueless on the matter. "Uhm... I don't remember the rest." She hesitantly admitted, flushing as she holds her arms to her chest whilst the Creator chuckles softly.

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