m.r | what about us?

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"Come on, we have to go!"

In my ears, Lorenzos voice was barely a whisper. The dust in the air from the fallen stone walls only made it harder to see. I could feel my lungs collapsing, my heart pulsating so fast that I was sure to have a heart attack.

His hand grasped onto my arm, pulling— dragging— my barely living body through the swarm of students. Blood was pouring from not only my nose but the split in my forehead too. I'm almost certain that I've broken a few ribs, maybe even my left ankle.

I gripped Enzos shoulder as he pushed students out of his way. The court yard was in view, death eaters everywhere. Screams were practically the only thing being heard besides spells flying past our heads every couple of seconds.

"Harry Potter— IS DEAD!"

I dropped to the ground; the stone floor so cold, so bare. Enzo placed his hand on my shoulder, reassuring me that he was still there. Then I felt another hand on the opposite shoulder, looking up to see Theodore.

He had blood spilling out of his mouth, his nose broken and a split eyebrow. He lightly nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat.

We looked up at Voldemort who stood at the center of the courtyard. Hagrid had chains wrapped around his body as he held Harrys lifeless body in his hands.

Ginny began yelling, running forward, only to be held back. Her voice echoed on the pavement. I glanced around trying to find those familiar eyes but had no luck.


The Malfoys. Lucius stood tall, unfazed. His mother's gaze looked tired as if she's only here because she was dragged by her lord.

Draco looked at us. His breathing unsteady.

"Draco, darling— please,"

His head dropped as he quickly walked off towards his mother. Her arms wide open for him, walking him away from the scene. I couldn't be mad at him, I know how much he loves his mother and he never disappoints her.

Pansy and Astoria came running up behind us, panting, "Guy, we couldn't find Riddle. We've searched the entire castle."

"...found him."

I clutched my ribs, the pain fully kicking in now that we've just been sitting here. I looked in the direction that Theodore was, everyone following along.

There he stood.
The man that I fell in love with.
Next to the enemy that he's been fighting against the last few years.

Voldemort placed his hand upon Mattheos' shoulder, whispering something to him. He had no emotion; his blank face showed no sign of any feeling. His right hand gripped his wand tightly, his fingers turning white.

Voldemort stepped away from his son, smirking deviously, "Where is y/n y/l/n?"

I shook my head.
No, I'm not doing this.

"Bring me, y/n!" He called out again.

This time, everyone looked at me. Merlin please, no.

I slowly stood up with the help of the boys. They all told me that I didn't have to go. That I didn't need to give in. But I knew what was happening. I knew what he wanted.

I limped slowly towards the center of the courtyard, my wand firmly in my palm. I was ready to take down this vile creature that stood in front of me. I glanced at Mattheo, he couldn't even look at me.

"Oh, precious girl, how stupid of you to fall for the enemy."

Voldemorts voice rang in my mind, like a ticking time bomb. I wanted to rip his tongue out and feed it to the gargoyles. I wanted to watch his body disintegrate on this pavement.

He pushed me in front of his son; his son that treated me like a diamond; his son that I fell head over heels for.

"Do it, Mattheo. Do it. DO IT!"

I flinched at Voldemorts harsh yelling. Everyone watched in silence. I began heavily breathing, my lungs couldn't keep up with my hyperventilating. Mattheo always held me while I had my panic attacks like this, but now he stood in front of me with a wand pointed at my chest.

He was ready to kill me.

I hesitantly looked up at him, "Do it, Matt. Get it over with and do it..."

He tightened his jaw, his fingers holding his wand tighter. At this point, I wanted him to. Everything was over. Nothing would ever be the same after this war, everyone would be hurting, mourning.

"After six years of friendship— three years of dating— you decided that this was the best option? What about us? What the fuck is wrong with you, Matt? Think about what the bloody hell you're doing."

Without a second thought, he quickly said those two words.

"Avada Kedavra."

The bolt of green light flying towards me, impaling my chest. It was painless, silent. My body fell backwards, my back hitting the ground with a small thud as my wand fell loosely from my hand.

Part 2?

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