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Calla Lily—

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Calla Lily

Valentine's day was right around the corner and you still had no one to spend it with. All of your friends assured you that your perfect man was bound to fall into your hands soon enough.

You watched all of your girl friends fall in love, all your boy friends ask out their dream girl. Then there was you, still single and lonely as ever.

It was sad, I was sad.

Everyone has someone and I could barely get past the talking stage with anyone. Not that I've tired hard enough to actually make any of them work out. I wanted to call someone mine, but none of them showed me enough to make me want them more.

Just then, Pansy sprinted into the great hall with a huge bouquet of roses in her hands, "You will never believe who just asked me to the love day dance!"

Astoria smiled, placing her fingers on her chin, "Let me guess- Theo?"

"Yes! I'm so excited, I started picking out colors for our attire!"

I rolled my eyes.
I was happy for her, truly. Theodore and Pansy are such a cute couple and I'm happy that he finally showed his affection for her after six years.
But when is it going to be my turn?

Daphne nudged her sister with her elbow, teasing her, "What about you sis? Any lucky guy ask you yet?"

"Actually, Draco asked me last night after the quidditch game in the forbidden forest. It was wonderful!"

I couldn't listen to this anymore.

I quickly got up from my seat, leaving the table without a word. I heard one of them call out to me but I didn't want to have to explain myself.

I wasn't angry at any of them, more at myself.

I was angry that I put my heart out to someone and they still haven't even made an attempt to talk about it with me. After six months of basically throwing myself at him, and he can't take the bloody hint.

I tossed my bag down on the grass as I laid on the ground against the tree. I sighed to myself, the feeling of wanting to cry was unbearable. I shouldn't be sad, I guess I did this to myself in a way. I deserved to be loved right?

"I could help you-"

"It's okay, I have Theo helping me. Thanks though."

"Maybe I could tag along, extra help?"

"It's already going to be Theo, Draco, Mattheo and I. Maybe another time, I could meet you in the library?"

Yeah, that meeting in the library never happened. Gosh, I really am stupid. To think that someone like him could actually like me back.


I looked behind the tree to see Luna smiling warmly. If anyone could help me feel better, it was her. She had the sweetest smile and the biggest heart. I'm glad I had a friend like Luna.

"Hi, sorry. I'm a mess right now..."

She chuckled, her soft voice speaking, "Don't be sorry, crying is a natural human emotion. I often cry too. May I ask why you're crying though?"

"Promise not to laugh, but... boy trouble. I like someone and I thought I made it very clear to him..."

"Boys brains don't think like girls do. They need it to be thrown right in their face for them to see it. Is this boy Lorenzo?"

My gaze quickly shot back to her. Was it that obvious to everyone except him?

"Yeah, it is."

"I see. Can I show you something?"

I nodded, getting up and following her. We walked across the courtyard, yapping on about boys and how they're hard to read most of the time. Soon enough we stopped, a large crowd gathering around the huge fountain. Soft classical music was playing, then everyone parted ways from us.

Luna started to walk away as everyone stared at me. I looked down the line of students, seeing Enzo at the end. He stood in black slacks with a dark green button up. His hands held a large bouquet of flowers.

I walked down the aisle of people, standing in front of him.

He grabbed my hand, smirking slyly, "y/l/n, I see you. I have always seen you. You're too beautiful to not see, sweetheart. With that being said, will you do the honor of being not only my date to the love day dance, but also my girlfriend?"

Oh my merlin this can't be happening.

I eagerly nodded, wrapping my arms around him so fast. Everyone started clapping and cheering. I could feel my face turning bright red, the embarrassment rolling in.

I pulled away as he handed me the flowers, "Calla Lilys; symbol of beauty, which you most definitely have."

"Thank you, Enzo. You're amazing."

"I'm sorry it took me so long. I wanted to wait for the perfect time to ask you. Mainly because you're worth more than just some chocolates," He started, "Now come on, I made dinner reservations for us. But first, we're going dress shopping."

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