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WAITING for the elevator was one of the things Jisoo disliked most about the hospital.

a part from the terrible coffee, and music they actually played in the elevator, of course. Jisoo had never been patient when she wanted to be somewhere- it was always the right now, rather than later. and right then, all the girl wanted to do was be with her girlfriend.

when the doors opened, she quickly strolled in, pressing the button for Lisa's floor

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when the doors opened, she quickly strolled in, pressing the button for Lisa's floor. she held her handbag closer to her body, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips as she remembered the sheet of paper tucked in the bag. she would be proud, Jisoo kept saying over and over inside her head. when the familiar dinging sound happened, and the doors opened once again, the girl basically sprinted - still being careful-down the corridor, excited to see Lisa.

upon reaching the door, she swifting walked in, sitting beside the sleeping girl.

Jisoo started with, "you'll never believe what happened today."

trying to locate the item, Jisoo finally found it, pulling the single piece of paper out of her bag. the older held it up towards Lisa, a wide grin on her face.

"i passed my final exam!"


"you never stopped believing in me, even when i gave up on myself." she looked at Lisa's face, "thank you."

Jisoo blinked her eyes, trying to rid the tears that were gradually building up. don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. in the end, she had to look away from Lisa. the girl stood up from the chair, and walked over to the window. eyes focusing on the cloudy sky, yet her mind was running miles. too many to keep up with.

she remembered the days, where she would attempt to study, only to discard it ten minutes later.

the girl remembered Lisa walking into their bedroom, seeing her lay on the floor with several books and random sheets of paper scattering around her. immediately, Lisa sat down next to her, pulling a textbook onto her lap, voicing out questions.

sighing, Jisoo gave the answers. her fingers found their way to Lisa's back, drawing patterns on the fabric whilst the girl continued talking.

at the end of that, her girlfriend closed the book, turning to her with the widest, and in Jisoo's opinion, the goofiest smile on her face

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at the end of that, her girlfriend closed the book, turning to her with the widest, and in Jisoo's opinion, the goofiest smile on her face. Lisa told her that she got all the answers right, instantly wrapping her arms around her, bringing Jisoo into bed,and cuddling her she said i knew you could do it, and jisoo wished she could hear those words again right then. but she also knew if Lisa was awake, she'd be tackling her to the ground with hugs, yelling out how she was extremely proud.

 but she also knew if Lisa was awake, she'd be tackling her to the ground with hugs, yelling out how she was extremely proud

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bringing herself to sit back down next to Lisa, she held her hand.

"i want you to know something," voice broken.

Jisoo took in a shaky breath, eyes unintentionally glanced at the heart monitor before going back to Lisa's closed eyelids.

"i won't stop believing in you."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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