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THE FESTIVAL HAD LONG since passed. The townspeople were doing their regular errands and chores around the village. The two queens, Anna and Elsa, just happened to be in the village, doing errands and getting things organized. "Alright!" Anna exclaimed, standing in the middle of the square as she opened the list. "I have a list of preparations to do around the kingdom. We should be able to get these done in no time!" She then let go of the bottom of the paper and it fell to the ground, rolling behind them. There were more tasks to do than the two realized. "Nevermind, then," Anna took back her words. 

Elsa muttered, "How are we going to get this done in time?"

"What if we split the tasks at the village and at the castle?"

"Not a bad idea, Anna. But, who's going to take on the village tasks?"

"Maybe the guys?" Anna shrugged.

"That could work," Elsa commented, "If we can even find them-" 

She was cut off by Anna, "Found one."

"What do you mean, 'found one'- oh," Elsa blinked. "He's above me, isn't he?" Her sister nodded, and both looked up. Jack was floating in midair above the other Ice Guardian. He grinned, now facing upside down just an inch away from her face. "You know that doesn't work on me anymore," she responded.

"Eh, worth a shot," he replied. Elsa chuckled a bit,

"Whatever you say." She tapped her finger on his nose, leaving a little frost mark. He got the implication that she was nipping his nose.

"Heyyy," he whined playfully, "That's what I'm supposed to do."

"Anyways, I have a job for you, Jack. Think you can handle it?"

"Anything for you, your Majesty."

"Enough with the names, snow boy. I need you to get a couple errands done around the village."

"Sounds easy enough," Jack responded.

"Good! Then you two should get this done in no time," Elsa nodded in affirmation.

"Wait, two? I'm doing this with another person?? Who?" he said, looking puzzled.

"You and Kristoff, of course," Anna turned to walk away, "Who else did you think we meant?"

"Wait, how am I supposed to get all of this done?" Kristoff looked at the list.

"You?" Anna giggled. "Oh, no. Jack will be helping you."

"...what?" he blinked, looking at her.

"Glad you understand! Me and Elsa will be at the castle. Sound good." Kristoff and Jack exchanged forced smiles.

"Oh, yeah," Kristoff nodded, "We'll be fine."

"Totally," Jack added as the two sisters walked away.

"And don't do anything stupid!" Anna called behind her before they disappeared from sight.

"Well," Jack turned to Kristoff blankly.

"This is going to be fun." Kristoff showed him the list.

"What should we do first?" he asked, glancing at the Guardian.

"Mmm..This one."

"'Clean the village.' Doesn't sound too hard."

* * *

Kristoff handed Jack a broom from a crate in the town square. The bristles were dirty and tangled, barely usable. Of course, Kristoff gave himself the better one of the two. "Wow!" Jack said sarcastically. "What a thoughtful gift!! I'll cherish it."

"Very funny," Kristoff rolled his eyes, "Let's just get to work." The two started cleaning the square - well, at least Kristoff did. Jack was struggling, very confused. The human looked over. "Did you forget how to use a broom or something?" he snickered, holding back laughter.

"What do I look like, a witch?" the Guardian argued, irritated.

"Might as well be one, considering you have magic and all."

"Witches are awesome. They have many kinds of magic, I only have one."

"Whatever, 'snow boy.' Are you gonna rant about witches all day or help me?"

"I'd rather help you, than for you to ever call me by that name again." He followed Kristoff's movements in sweeping the stone paths in the village.

* * *

"Careful, Kristoff-" Jack called up to the other man as he held Bruni near the unlit lamp.

"Yeah, yeah, I am being careful," Kristoff responded. The two were attempting to relight the flames in the streetlights. This was the last one they needed before they were done with all their errands.

"Come on, little dude," Jack whispered to himself, "You're doing so well." Bruni lit the last flame and the Guardian silently cheered. Kristoff stepped down off of the ladder he was using and set the lizard down. Bruni dashed away.

"Good job, man," Jack nodded. The two went over to a small stone wall near the dock and sat on it. Jack's hair rustled in the wind. The two watched wooden ships sail out onto the crystal sea, glistening blue and teal with streaks of purple and green. Kristoff began telling Jack about how he met Anna.

"You're telling me that Anna forced you to help find Elsa in the northern mountains, JUST so you could bring back summer?" Jack blinked at Kristoff when he was done, "And now you're engaged???"

"Yep," Kristoff replied. "That's pretty much what happened."

"A very Anna thing to do," the Guardian hummed. The two laughed for a moment.

"Let me ask you this," Kristoff began, "Do you like her or not?"

"Who, Anna?" Jack tilted his head. "Depends on how you put it."

"No, no. Not Anna, Elsa."

"Elsa? Of course not. She's my best friend, and nothing more than that."


"What do you mean, 'seriously'?" Jack looked puzzled. "I thought you guys were, you know, a thing after the whole Pitch incident a couple of weeks ago," Kristoff hummed.

"We are not a 'thing'! Besides, it was just one time, I can guarantee that." Jack felt the other man staring at him, unamused.

"What?" was the question asked, to which Kristoff was quick to answer,

"You like her, dontcha?"

"And, that's where I stop talking," Jack muttered.

"Knew it," Kristoff nudged him.

"Would you shut up about it already? I get it," the Guardian groaned, trying to focus on the ships sailing into the distant ocean, disappearing upon the horizon. His eyes were fixated on the water. It reminded him of the hideout that Elsa had shown him. He seemed to be zoning out, until Kristoff spoke again.

"Have you told her yet?" he said, following Jack's gaze to the ocean.

"About how I feel?" Jack responded, "No, and I plan on keeping it that way."

"Then, how will she know that you love her?"

"What makes you think she'll love me back, regardless of what I tell her? I mean, she'd have to be insane to fall for a guy like me, out of every other guy in the world."

"Well, I think she does," Kristoff tapped his chin. "Ever since you've arrived, it's like she's a whole new person. Even Anna noticed. Trust me." The two looked at each other and smiled. Just then, Jack sniffed the air, "Hey, do you smell..." 

Frozen X Rise of the Guardians: Tales of the GuardiansWhere stories live. Discover now