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A FEW HOURS PASSED. Elsa and Jack were sound asleep in her bed, but the former was woken up by a strange light. She opened her eyes and looked around, seeing the light coming from out of the corner of her eye. She turned towards it and looked above Jack's head to see glowing blue dust, similar to Sandy's dreamsand. "...what...?" she muttered, tired. She rubbed her eyes to see clearer. Her eyes did not deceive her, there was blue dust above Jack's head. It was forming something, soon taking the form of the dusty illusion of a cat. It stared at Elsa, who tilted her head. The cat then came to life, running around the room. It bounced off the walls and sped across the floors. Elsa got up and stood in the middle of the room, watching it zoom. It then came up to her and rubbed against her leg before chittering and turning back towards Jack. It stood up and turned around, leaping over to the top of his head. It sat down, then multiplied into many cats for a short moment. They all bounced around the room. Elsa laughed quietly, watching them all. They all went still before exploding into millions of tiny, glistening snowflakes around the room. She held her hands out to catch a snowflake, and one fell gracefully into her palms. She smiled at it as if it was alive, but then was alerted to see the snowflake flying from her hands to above Jack's head again.

She went back over to him and watched the blue dust. The ice dust from the flakes around the room collected into a dusty illusion of Jack and Elsa, from a few weeks ago, in a cave with the Ice Crystal. The two silhouettes then faded away, leaving only the illusion of the crystal. Then, a black silhouetted hand reached out and touched it, and the illusion turned black. The crystal began to vibrate and crack.

"Pitch..." she muttered to herself, eyes wide with fear. Jack was now starting to shake, as if scared. "Jack," Elsa whispered panickedly, "Wake up, something's happening..." There was a sudden bright flash of light. She flinched and squeezed her eyes shut as she was thrown into a wall. When she opened them, the crystal was in the corner of the room, glowing bright as ever. She rubbed her head, vision blurry again. She cleared it and blinked. This seemed to wake Jack up as well. He saw the strange light and sat up in bed. He saw Elsa reaching for the crystal.

"Elsa, wait!" he cried, but by the time she heard him, it was too late. Her hand touched the crystal, sending her flying into the wall again. The room was illuminated fully in white, blinding the two. When the light cleared, the crystal was gone. "Wh...What just happened?!" Jack ran over to Elsa and helped her up.

"I have no idea..." she groaned, leaning against Jack to stabilize herself.

"Was that the Ice Crystal?"

"I think so..."

"What was it doing here?" Jack asked as Elsa investigated the area the crystal had been in. "Last I checked, it was with North and the others." He started to ramble, but Elsa ignored it. She bent down and spotted something dust-like on the ground. She picked it up and it fell through her fingers, a silvery black.

"Black dust..." she mumbled. Just then, there was a knock at the door. She brushed her hands off and opened the door, seeing Anna standing there. "Anna?" Elsa asked.

"We have a problem," her sister replied.

* * *

Gale was a twister outside. Though she was in the distance, she was rapidly approaching the kingdom. "How are we supposed to stop this?!" Jack shouted over the roaring wind.

"We're Guardians!" Elsa yelled back to him. "We'll figure something out!"

"You all better figure something out fast, then," Anna began, "Because that twister is coming closer by the second!" Elsa was trying to think fast, but no ideas were coming to her mind besides 'face it head on.' She inhaled before backing up, waiting until Gale got close enough to jump into. When the twister got close, Jack and Anna backed up, but Elsa threw herself in.

Frozen X Rise of the Guardians: Tales of the GuardiansWhere stories live. Discover now