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THE FAITHFUL JOURNEY TO the Enchanted Forest had begun. Sven was galloping steadily along a path as Kristoff remained in control. It seemed like it was going to take a long time to get to the forest, until the sleigh came across a strange other path, surrounded by dark trees, and the group came to a screeching halt.

"Look, a shortcut!" Anna cried, pointing to the trees.

"I don't know, Anna," Kristoff sounded uneasy. "Seems a bit...dark."

Jack snickered, "What? You scared of the dark?"

"No," Kristoff retaliated, "I just don't think that going down suspicious, dark tree-surrounded paths is a good idea." Jack grinned and leaned over to Anna.

"I think he's just scared of the dark," he whispered to her. Kristoff must have heard, and glared at Jack, sharply turning the sleigh towards the dark path.

"You know what?" he declared, "We're taking the dark shortcut." As Sven uneasily started into the dark, a chill was sent through everyone's spine. It was dark. Very dark. The howling of a wolf pack echoed through the undergrowth as the group continued. Anna took out a torch from her bag and lit it so everyone could see better. Olaf began shaking.

"You know," he said nervously, "I'm starting to think this was a bad idea..."

"Olaf, we're fine," she spoke with confidence, "I assure you that nothing bad will happen-" She was cut off by the rustle of a bush and a twig snapping. "What was that...?" she muttered. Jack peered over the sleigh's edge, but saw nothing behind them.

"Nothing there," he concluded, "Must've been a bird or something." Suddenly, a shadowy wolf appeared out of the back of the sleigh, forcing Jack to the front. Everyone was frozen, their gazes locked with the wolf's. Jack took notice of the eyes, which were a piercing yellow with a golden glow against its stark black body. Those were the eyes he'd been seeing this whole time.

"...I...Is that..." Anna stuttered, struggling to finish her sentence.

"...A Nightmare...?" Jack finished for her. As soon as he finished, the Nightmare charged at the group. Before it could reach Anna and Olaf, Jack used his staff to blast the wolf into nothing but sand particles in a matter of seconds. But, it didn't stop. From the darkness, more pairs of glowing yellow eyes appeared around the ground. The travelers all looked around, terrified about what was happening next.

"Kristoff," Jack started, tapping his shoulder. "My man, I need a favor from you." Kristoff was ready to answer any question. Before Jack could answer, the Nightmares started to charge at the sleigh from every angle. "DRIVE!" Jack screamed, and Sven sped away. As the group desperately tried to get away, the Nightmares chased in hot pursuit. Jack was using his magic to fend them off, clearly struggling.

"Jack," Anna called, "Let me help you!"

"No way!" he shouted as the noise of the woods grew louder. "You're too vulnerable!"

"That doesn't mean anything!" she yelled.

"How would you even fight-" Jack was cut off by Anna, who pulled a guitar out of the box on the back of the sleigh and whacked a Nightmare in the face. "Looks like someone doesn't want to sing Kumbaya!" Jack shouted.

"Oh, shut it!" Anna retorted.

As the battle against the Nightmares continued, Olaf saw a faint glow of light ahead. At first, he thought it was freedom from the darkness. However, as the sleigh approached the light, he realized that he was sorely mistaken.

"Uh oh," he said.

"Uh oh'?!" Jack cried, "What do you mean, 'uh oh'?!"

"Is now a bad time to say that we're about to fall off a cliff?" the snowman questioned.

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