Ch. 1: Their Beloved, Back Home.

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Atsushi's POV:

    I was at Ciel's manor, just chatting with him and Alois in the garden about random things until our demon servants came up to us. We look at them and see that Sebastian is holding a tray with a letter. "The letter has the Queen's seal."

    "Young lords, Young mistress, A letter from the Queen has arrived." Sebastian states while bowing and holding the tray towards us.

    Ciel takes the letter and opens it, Sebastian straightening at the same time. Once Ciel unfolds the letter, he reads it aloud.

"Dear my Guard Dog, Fox, and Spider,

    The Prime Minister of Japan has informed me that there have been multiple murders in the Ouran prefecture, and he suspects that one of the Yakuza clans there have something to do with it. He has asked for my assistance, and as my most trusted pets, I am sending you on this mission. I'm aware you are all well acquainted, so I have no doubt of your collaboration skills with each other. In order to blend in and perhaps gain some insight on the case, I'm enrolling the three of you into Ouran Private Academy. If you wish to enroll any of your servants, or if you wish for them to accompany you, feel free to do so. I have contacted the school and told them to allow it. The three of you are in class 1-A and have the same schedule, so don't worry about not being with each other. I have full faith in your abilities, and please see to it that this case is closed as quickly as possible.


        Queen Victoria."

    "Ah! So it seems the Queen put us all on a case together!! Isn't that fun?" Alois cheers, Ciel sighing and putting the letter down as he responds.

    "I suppose it is. Sebastian, pack my things and prepare for our departure. We'll leave tomorrow."

    "Oh, Claude! Pack my things too!"

    "Cyra(my maid's name), do the same for me if you don't mind."

    The three demons chorus a response and bow in unison. "Yes young lord/your highness/ young mistress."

    I sigh before turning to my betrotheds. "Ciel, Alois, we should rest. If we're leaving at a time where we'll get there in the day we must rest now. The time difference is about 15 hours, so if we leave during the day, we'll arrive around sunrise there."

    "Is that so? Then I want to sleep with you!" Alois states as he hugs me from behind.

    "Alois! You can't just say that!" Ciel counters with slightly pink cheeks.

    "Oh~? And who's going to stop me? You?" He giggles. "Your cheeks seem to say that you feel jealous~"

    "I am not!" Ciel tries looking away so that we can't see his face, but it's only in vain since we can still see the dusting of red on his features.

    "Ciel, it's alright. I don't mind. But we really should get some rest. We'll have to adapt to the time zone difference as quickly as possible so that we can work on the case A.S.A.P." I say while I get up, dusting my skirt as I stand.

    Ciel sighs as Alois cheers and they both follow me to my room, where we find Cyra packing my things.

    "Ah, mistress, young lords, I assume you're here to rest?" She states, looking at us before bowing and then straightening.

    "Yes, now if you don't mind," I turn to the two boys. "It'd be appreciated if you both left so we can all change into our night clothes."

    They both flush slightly and look away before Alois says, "Ah.. I guess you're right. Well, I'll see you in a bit, my love!" He skips off and Ciel just nods at me before leaving and closing the door behind him.

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