Ch. 3: Their Beloved, Reunited With Old Friends

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I'M ALIVE! Sorry for leaving ya'll.


Atsushi POV:

I walk in, smiling as I see Tamaki and the others that I know. "Hi Rene. It's been a while hasn't it?" I smile.

Tamaki(Rene)'s eyes sparkle as he sees me and he runs over and hugs me. Picking me up. "Atsushi!!! It's been far too long!! I missed you so much!"

I start losing a bit of breath, much like Ciel when he used to get hugged by Elizabeth like this. "Rene... can't... breathe..."

He gasps as he realizes this and lets me go. "Oh! Sorry, sorry. I was just so excited to see you again!"

"I understand that, but I'm not here for good for now. I'm only here temporarily." I say.

A cute lolita boy then walks up to us, a much taller boy follows in suit. "What? Atsu-chan... you're not staying.?"

I crouch lower to be closer to eye level with the boy. "Sorry Honey-senpai. But unfortunately not. Not yet, at least. I'm here with two of my partners-" I was going to introduce Ciel and Alois but Kyoya cut me off.

"Phantomhive, Ciel and Trancy, Alois. Both being the Earls and heads of their households." He pushes his glasses up. "Good to see you again, Atsushi. But would you mind telling me why I can barely find any information on both of them? And you, for that matter." He looks at us.

I look at him back, a look of elegance crossing my face as I stand with my two fiances. "My family's secrets are as fast as a fox and as tricky to find and understand as a puzzle." I giggle. "Good luck trying to figure them out."

Ciel was the next to speak. "The Phantomhive's secrets are a den of shadows and stay there. If you step into their den full of shadows, you might never return to the light."

"And a Trancy's secrets are as hard to spot as a spider's web. You never see it until you get trapped." Alois says with a smirk.

They all (minus Kyoya) look at us with slight fear and confusion for our crypticness. A confused silence filling the room.

Kyoya clears his throat, breaking the dense quiet. "Very well then. May I ask what you're doing here? Since it's clear you're not here for the Host Club's usual service."

I answer before the two boys on either side of me can speak. "We're actually here to ask something of you, Kyoya-senpai. But we need to ask this matter in private."

The twins interject in unison and get in our faces, "Hey! Why can't you just ask us here??"

Ciel looks at them with his stoic gaze as usual. "Because this doesn't apply to you. It's in good practice to only speak of things to the people it pertains to."

They look at each other then furrow their brows. "We still don't see why you can't just tell him here, then."

Ciel was about to say something until Kyoya pushes up his glasses and closes his laptop. "Hikaru, Kaoru, it's fine. Just leave it." He turns to us. "Follow me." He walks off and the three of us follow behind him, leading us to a small, actually abandoned room. The three of us stand there and he looks at us. "So, what is it you wanted to ask?"

My two fiances look at me to answer. I sigh and then look Kyoya dead in the eyes. "We want your help on a case." He looks at me with a smug grin and a raised eyebrow. "We only want your help because 1. I'm friends with you. And 2. You have a lot of connections around here." I explain, not letting him get a word in before I'm done.

His smug expression faltered upon hearing my words, he opened his notebook before replying to our request. "I suppose so. But what is it exactly that I have to do?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at me questioningly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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