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𝐒𝐀𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐘/𝐍, two young boys, were spending their evening at some random park they had stumbled into on their walk. y/n was still complaining about his tea, even though he got over it a while ago, his voice echoing throughout the park. sae, on the other hand, was half-heartedly listening to the boy. well, I mean, could you blame him for not listening? he just met the guy!

"you know, it would be a lot easier if you would speak up!" his tone was leaking with fake irritation

"I don't need to talk with someone like you"

the latter huffed and bickered with the other. they kept fighting for a few minutes until they realized it was getting quite dark, but..whatever. the h/c male couldn't care else, however, the teal-eyed striker thought the opposite. (he had to go home to rin)


when the boy woke, it was slightly raining. he felt a little discouraged since he had planned to play soccer right, and now he had to deal with the mud and rain between his shoes. he didn't want to clean his shoes.

it was a weekend so he didn't have school, which he was glad for. he wanted to see if he could catch the maroon-haired boy once more in his given time. but first, maybe a walk through the park would be a refresher.

he obviously brought his ball with him. who do you take him for if he didn't?

y/n trotted up to the park, surrounding the parents who came along with their children. it wasn't that he didn't like them but.. they annoy him. not all that much though.

he tried to stay away from them as much as possible. with going as far as to hide in the thorny bush when one of them was coming his way. the curiousity evident in the young one's soft mumbles; he instantly knew what'd happen if it took interest in the ball he was holding and reacted on impulse.

y/n held his breath when he bored his eyes into the other's side. internally begging them to leave.

when their mom pulled them by the side, he let go of the breath he didn't even know he was holding.

y/n jumped out of his hiding place. stared at the wall and deemed it worthy enough to practice whatever tricks with it.

the sky was dropping from the bright blue to the orange sunset he was more familiar with. the serenity that came along with it always put him in the right state of mind for some reason.


he was trying out some new tricks with his ball somewhere near the grocery store he and sae met the day before.

he was trying his dribbling. he always liked the feel of the ball in-between his feet while playing. his movements were skillfully played out while performing with the ball.

"wow." a monotone voice could be heard around the corner. he snapped his head towards the sound.

"sae?" y/n was a bit surprised. he didn't ACTUALLY believe he would get to meet sae for the third time but anyways.

he blinked twice just incase he wasn't hallucinating.

"..you again?"


when the h/c male was still walking around a certain blue-haired kid stared into the back of his head while he carried the soccer ball around. he wanted to play too.. sadly he was a bit too shy to say anything.

seasons; blue lock x m.reader (ON HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now