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"I'm leaving for spain."

"what do you mean, sae?"

"I got invited to play for a professional team."

"will..you come back?"


"sae..are you seriously leaving me like this?"

"you don't understand y/n, it's for the sake of my dream."

"what the hell do you mean by 'i don't understand..? I understand you more than anyone else, sae!"

"If you did understand then, you would understand the thrill of chasing after my goals."

"but..d-..do you really think its worth it even at the cost of you of your friendship with your best friend..?!" the males voice started cracking and he was so so close to breaking down.

"sae..please. think about this first."

"I did and my decision is final. I'm leaving."

"it didn't even sound like you thought this through..!"

"..just, leave me alone l/n."

ouch, last name basis? that must've hurt.



he thought that sae was not thinking this straight. the numerous decisions that he made, nothing could add up to this.

it was the first fight they ever had as friends, and he hated this feeling so..so badly.

he felt so close, yet so far to the maroon-haired striker. he didn't like being so.

'dont go somewhere I can't follow.'


sae wonders if leaving was the right thing. I mean, in his defense, it was for the sake of his dream. but, why was there a lump in his chest?

he just convinced himself that it was all part of his plan to become the best striker in the world, just like he promised with his brother.

however, with all that, he still feels like something is missing; missing within his heart. he's not able to grasp on what exactly he's feels is missing though. all he felt at the moment all he felt was a bit of guilt.

'are my dreams worth it if I'm leaving someone who holds more worth than my goals?'


he felt like it was way too soon for this. why leave now? it was confusing him.

why does sae even need to go to spain when he has him? isn't that enough of a reason to stay? or..is it because he isn't worth staying at all?

his heart was pounding, and it wasn't the usual one that got him to kick his feet up in the air.

he thought sae should've stayed but could he? would he? he didn't know what to feel at the moment.

he felt like sae should've said something instead of going just like that.

'maybe, just maybe. In another universe, he could have been happy with sae without anything to interrupt them.'


dreams weren't meant to come true. they were just dreams after all. however, there were times when people had succeeded in to make them come true. sadly, that wasn't the case for y/n.

though, he thought if he had worked just a little bit harder, maybe it would've.

whatever. dreaming of staying with one person forever was never possible anyways, for them atleast.

besides, it was silly to think that sae would be one to give up his dream for y/n. it would've been lovely to experience it though.

laying in his bed, he thought about all of the things he and sae went through. it pains him to think about it.

'I love way too much, don't I..? it hurts to confess. you were my everything, sae. I was nothing but something to waste your breath on..'

he wonders if someone else has experienced the same thing as well.


it was his fault for thinking that he had special treatment when it came to sae.

it was his fault for thinking he was a chance, a chance that he could stay with sae.. forever and ever.

he was just a little kid. yet, he felt as if the universe was against him and his friendship with sae.

maybe he wasn't as lucky as he though tk be when he chose to be friends with sae,

and..it was his fault for think that he had a chance with sae in the first place.

how cruel the universe can be.


it had only been a few days after sae's leave and he already feels incomplete. spending so much time staring and reading through old messages and pictures with sae was pathetic. but he couldn't help it.

he stumbled upon an old polaroid picture with him, sae, and his brother. he couldn't help but notice the pretty prodigy's small dimples across the ends of his lips.

it makes him want to kiss him in the same way actors kiss the people they were only meant to play with, not be with.


A/N - this was long overdue and I'm sorry that literally all of the chapters are short. my motivation is gone :')

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