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𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 now eleven years old, yet he was swinging back and forth on the swingset.

sae was sitting on the bench near him, probably doing something else. y/n knew he didn't like seeming immature, so he stopped playing with him at the playground. the only times he would go with him was when he had rin.

"sae?" he made his voice just a tad bit louder


"can you push the swing?"


"why not?"

"I have better things to do."

"come on! there's no one around."

the boy sighed and got up. y/n suddenly felt his mood lift up. he figured it was probably because sae finally agreed to do something with him, nothing else!

the h/c stopped the swing and swung back and forth, sae waited for the right moment to push him.

y/n felt sae's hands at times go at his sides instead of the swing itself. let's pretend that it didn't make him all red though.


the two were hanging out for the day since for the first time in a few weeks, they were free from school and their soccer careers.

"hey sae."


"what would you do if I were a fish?"

".. what?" his tone was leaking with confusion and a hint of annoyance. I mean, what regular being would stay a conversation like that? it was stupid, really. but sae found himself wondering what would he do if he was in a situation like that.

"what would you do if I were a fish?" he repeated once more.

"why would you turn into a fish?"

"things can happen."

"wow. you really are dumb."

"just answer."


---- ☆

they were now walking side-by-side on the sidewalk. the sunset was gorgeous, but he didn't think it couldn't compare to the one beside him.

"hey sae, isn't the sky pretty?"

y/n pointed up and sae certainly thought it looked pretty, pretty enough for him to snap a picture of it.


"thats it?" y/n thought 'sure' wasn't enough to say that it was pretty, but he brushed off his response.



both were hanging around a simple coffee shop. it held a calm atmosphere, it made you want to stay there for hours at a time.

the h/c male was rambling about his favorite things yet again, but everytime he did sae felt like it was wrong to make him stop.

"and (color) is my favorite one! It's a color that can pair well with..almost everything in my opinion."

the more he was talking, the more sae stared. at his lips to be more specific. it was a pretty shade of pink. if he were to lean in, he thought it would feel soft.

and the more he stared, he noticed how excited he sounded when he rambling it made him feel all sof-...wait what? the hell was he thinking about?

whatever. he didn't have time to deal with this.


after the two parted ways, sae made it to his house. greeting his parents and going along the wood hard floor.

to the picture frames and (color)ed flowers, all of it reminded him of his h/c friend. and all of it made his heart race just a little bit.

sae was still unfamiliar and he couldn't get a grasp of what exactly he is feeling.

he was never one to think much about his emotions, but he would've gladly learnt how to for the sake of him.

but anyways,

now, sae was all alone with his thoughts in his room. sae thought about if you actually did turn into a fish. he would've thrown you into the ocean and the worst part is that he wouldn't even feel bad about it.


a few years past after they first met at eight. neither from the two ever regretted that moment. in fact, one treasures the memory as if it was it's last. he claims that he was the best thing that has happened to him. all he wanted right now was to run into the midnight sun with the other. (and maybe feel the soft lips against his own)

and he can only hope he feels the same way.

— —

A/N - this chapter was written at 3 am if there are grammar mistakes i am sorry

(edited - 03/15/24)

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