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  It had been three weeks since the affairs with the Wither Storm, Jesse hadn't ever stopped feeling exhausted, in fact he'd figured out just a week after the incident, he'd ended up with Wither sickness. Of course he couldn't say anything, and while he wanted Petra to tell people when SHE had it, he couldn't tell anyone. The Wither was dead, if he mentioned he had Wither sickness, he'd cause mass hysteria. The townspeople were just getting back to normal, building their town back and everything. He could last for a while until he found an alternative cure.

  He put his gloves on and started building a small market or something with Olivia. They were holding up a conversation with eachother, talking and laughing about their best memories, they hadn't been able to have a pleasant conversation in forever considering what had happened. But it was finally being done. Jesse coughed a few times which warranted for Olivia to ask him what was wrong, he just told her it was dust from construction and that was that.

   Later on, they were taking a break, eating some chicken. Jesse really had no appetite, but was eating regardless, people couldn't figure out what was going on, not only would they be mad he didn't tell them, but they'd get all worried and worked up, and he didn't want that at the moment. He told himself that if it got worse, then he'd say something. It could go away since the wither is dead, or there could be a cure that he just has to find, who knows?

  Axel saw the look on his face while he was trying to eat. "Are you doing okay, pal?" He asked. Jesse looked at him, just smiled and nodded, then went back to eating. Axel shrugged it off and went back to eating his stuff. Axel wasn't really good with hidden indications of anything, and Jesse claimed he was fine, so obviously he was fine.

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