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  The more the days passed by, the worse Jesse's sickness got. Lukas was starting to notice something was wrong. And boy was he suspicious. He would watch Jesse do the simplest of tasks and be exhausted afterwards. He'd watch Jesse sit there and hack for a solid two minutes. He'd noticed Jesse wearing coats, gloves, scarves, etc. in the summer! Lukas knew something was wrong, but he couldn't find it.

  Jesse himself was feeling awful. He'd started wearing more clothes that would hide the fact that when he coughed into his arm, there'd be blood on his sleeve. He would sit there sweating with the scarf on his face, the gloves on his hands, the long coats and pants. All this to hide the sickness. He was pale he had huge eye bags, there had been no way people believed him when he said he was okay. Jesse was determined to find an alternate cure for his sickness.

  Jesse laid down in bed and sighed. Lukas looked at him. "You're gonna wear a scarf to bed??" He asked, confusedly, looking at Jesse, "You're gonna strangle yourself or something in your sleep!" Lukas reached for the scarf. Jesse smacked his hand and moved away, "Don't!" He yelled, startling Lukas and breathing heavily. Lukas looked at him, just in shock, Jesse had never been so defensive towards him.

  "Hey-" he started, before Jesse just plain turned away and went to sleep. Lukas sighed to himself and went to sleep. The next morning when he woke up, Jesse was already out and about. He was worried for him, especially since he had trouble walking just a day prior, and he looked sick. He claimed he was fine, but how long can he claim that before it's just even more not true? Before something happens? Lukas looked down, he wanted to help him, but he just couldn't figure out how.

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