▪︎botl▪︎ and we took a wrong turn

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SHE NOTICED HIS FACES FIRST. both of them. they jutted out from either side of his head, staring over his shoulders, so his head was much wider than it should've been, two overlapping ears and mirror-image sideburns. he adorned a long black overcoat, shiny shoes, and a black top-hat that somehow managed to stay on his double-wide head.

"well, annabeth?" said his left face. "hurry up!"

"don't mind him," said the right face. "he's terribly rude. right this way, miss."

annabeth's jaw dropped. "uh. . .i don't. . ."

tyson frowned. "that funny man has two faces."

"the funny man has ears, you know!" the left face scolded. "now come along, miss."

"no, no," the right face said. "this way, miss. talk to me, please."

andromeda sensed it before she understood it. the way her mind opened up and her thoughts cleared. as she shifted looks between the figure's face, she understood; he wanted annabeth to choose.

behind him were two exits, blocked by wooden doors with huge iron locks. they hadn't been there the first time they came through the room. the two-faced doorman held a silver key, which he kept passing from his left hand to his right hand. behind them, the doorway they'd come through had disappeared, replaced by more mosaics.

"the exits are closed," annabeth said.

"duh!" the man's left face said.

"where do they lead?" andromeda asked, hyperaware now that she was in her field of expertise: choices.

"ooh," the doorman's right face cooed. "hecate's godling are you? should make this easier. one probably leads the way you wish to go," it said encouragingly. "the other leads to certain death."

"i — i know who you are," annabeth said.

"oh, you're a smart one!" the left face sneered. "but do you know which way to choose, annabeth? i don't have all day."

"why are you trying to confuse her?" andromeda asked defensively.

the right face smiled. "she's in charge now, my dear. all the decisions are on her shoulders. that's what you wanted, isn't it annabeth?"

"i —"

"we know you, annabeth," the left face said. "we know what you wrestle with every day. we know your indecision. you will have to make your choice sooner or later. and the choice may kill you."

the color drained out of annabeth's face. "no. . .i don't —"

"leave her alone," evander spoke up. "who are you, anyway?"

"i'm your best friend," the right face said.

"i'm your worst enemy," the left face said.

"i'm janus," both faces said in harmony. "god of doorways. beginnings. endings. choices."

"i thought hecate was the goddess of choices," percy frowned at andromeda.

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