The incident (part 2)

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Beneath the celestial canopy of twinkling stars, Fuli and Tiifu lay side by side, seeking solace in the tranquil embrace of the night. Suddenly, a crisp snap of a twig pierced the serene atmosphere, shattering the peace that enveloped them. The resonant growl of a lion reverberated through the air, freezing the very essence of their beings. Ice-blue eyes pierced through the darkness, fixated upon Tiifu with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

In a display of unwavering loyalty, Fuli positioned herself protectively over Tiifu, her piercing gaze narrowing with determination. The lion sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "Imagine the scandal that would unfold if the world were to witness the union of Kiara's loyal maid and the valiant cheetah warrior, wouldn't you agree?"

Fuli's response was curt, devoid of any hint of vulnerability. "My heart already belongs to another," she declared, her words striking like a blade. Tiifu felt her heart fracture ever so slightly, bewildered by the inexplicable pain that coursed through her. She had always harbored feelings for Baliyo, not Fuli, so why did her heart ache so intensely?

A resounding growl reverberated through the air, echoing with unmistakable fury. Kion, Rani, and Vitani stood upon a towering rock, their faces contorted with unbridled rage. "Cease this torment at once," Kion spat, his voice laced with authority and fury.

The lion simply smiled, his twisted pleasure evident upon his face. In a swift, malicious motion, he viciously struck Fuli's eye, evoking a deafening roar from Kion. "FULI!" he bellowed, his voice an echo of anguish. Fuli crumpled to the ground, and as she rose, one of her once-vibrant eyes now bore the pallor of a ghostly specter. Her vision blurred, reduced to mere amorphous blobs, as the warm crimson of her lifeblood cascaded down her face. Consumed by an unfathomable wrath, her heart grew colder with each passing moment.

With an instinctual snarl, Fuli launched herself at the lion, her fury propelling her forward. She tore into him, rending his flesh and claiming a chunk from his leg, only relenting when her gaze fell upon a sight that shattered her spirit. Tiifu, lying below her, wept in agony, a victim of her own devastating assault. Slowly, Fuli retreated, her movements weighed down by remorse and a profound sense of horror etched onto the faces of Kion, Rani, and Vitani.
""What did you do, Fuli..." Kion muttered in fear, his voice barely audible above the pounding of his own heart. The air crackled with a volatile mix of confusion and terror as the reality of the situation settled upon them all. Fuli stood before them, her breath ragged and labored, her mouth still tainted with the taste of flesh. Her once vibrant eyes now trembled uncontrollably, reflecting the turmoil within her soul.

Tiifu, her body trembling with pain and shock, reached out a trembling hand towards Fuli. "Fuli... what... what happened?" she whispered, her voice barely a whisper in the night. The words hung in the air, heavy with uncertainty, as Fuli struggled to find the strength to respond.

"I..." Fuli's voice cracked, a raw emotion gnawing at her throat. "I don't know... I didn't mean to..." Her words faltered, her voice choked with guilt and remorse. Her legs trembled beneath her, threatening to give way, but a surge of determination pulsed through her veins, keeping her upright.

Kion, his expression a mix of anguish and concern, stepped forward cautiously. "Fuli, we need to help Tiifu," he said, his voice soft but resolute. "But we also need to understand what just happened. We can't let our emotions cloud our judgment."

Fuli's eyes flickered with a mix of gratitude and self-loathing. She knew Kion was right, but the weight of her actions bore down upon her like a crushing force. Swallowing hard, she nodded, her damaged eye now hidden beneath a mask of darkness. "You're right, Kion," she whispered. "I... I need to figure out what happened to me."

Rani, her gaze filled with concern and compassion, approached Tiifu's side, cradling her injured form. "We'll get you some help, Tiifu," she reassured her, her voice gentle. "Fuli didn't mean to hurt you. We'll figure this out together."

As Rani and Vitani carefully carried Tiifu away, Kion turned to Fuli, his eyes softening with understanding.

Fuli's heart swelled with gratitude for her friends' unwavering support, but deep within her, a storm raged. She could no longer deny the darkness that had taken hold of her, the primal instincts that had overridden her cheetah grace. She knew she had to confront it, to understand what had changed within her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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