Chapter 4

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And just like that, time has passed. We were eventually discovered by our superiors, but they didn't probe too much and accepted our reasoning as to why we had been gone for so long.

The days spent with Ciaran grew into weeks and turned into months. I found myself spending increased time with him, but this was not something I could discuss with anyone as they would think I fell for him, flooding me with a sense of shame for the feelings I've had for Ciaran.

Because of my childhood, I was a reserved and quiet individual that usually would be cynical and trustless towards other people, but this man cracked my walls in the most unexpected way, leaving me vulnerable and slightly submissive regarding our "friendship".

His deep, commanding voice sent shivers down my spine, and I found myself getting lost in his eyes. I knew this wasn’t normal for friends, but at the same time, I couldn’t deny that I felt the chemistry between us.

Ciaran was a true gentleman, showing me kindness and appreciation for my hard work while also being the humblest person I have ever met. It was as if he knew exactly what to say and how to act around me, his charm making it even more difficult to resist the growing feelings towards him.

It was another day of me working as a soldier and since I had no missions assigned, I decided that it would be a healthy and smart idea to start my workout earlier. I began running on a treadmill and doing cardio exercises to assess my limits and increase my resistance in case I would find myself in critical moments.

Until I saw Ciaran walking confidently in the same room as I was, the need to impress him crowding my mind, fueling my body with more determination than ever before.

I increased the intensity of my exercises, pushing myself harder than ever to make a good impression on Ciaran. His gaze was like a fire, staring into my soul and I was determined to show him of what I was capable. He began working out alongside me, bench pressing heavy weights as I continued exercising.

I noticed Ciaran looking a bit concerned for me as my face was looking sallow, even going to the extent of overworking myself without any breaks, running even faster and more consistently on the treadmill just to awe him.

Just before Ciaran could say anything, my legs collapsed, falling to the ground with a loud thud, my face contracting in a bright shade of red from embarrassment. Luckily enough, Ciaran was alert and helped me stand up again from the shameful position I was in, my knees bent over and with my thighs violently twitching while sweat rolled down the back of my neck, sending an uncomfortable chill down my spine.

"Thanks..." I say it weakly, avoiding any eye contact with him. Without many words, the strong man picked me up like a child, earning a squeak from me and wrap my limbs around him, scared that he would drop my body.

"Calm down, Matej, let me take care of you." He said it compassionately, but that just increased my shame.

I felt vulnerable and exposed in Ciaran's embrace, my pulse quickening at the thought of spending more time in this position with him. My body was covered in sweat as his gaze swept over me, assessing my needs. His presence alone made me feel safe and comforted.

I knew it was for the best, but I could not help my body's reaction to his gentle yet dominating touch.

I felt a sense of guilt for feeling attracted towards my friend, but at the same time, he was the only man who showed me true tenderness.

He began walking to the men's changing room, leaving me with a sense of anticipation in what was awaiting me. Ciaran gently placed my weak body on the bench and began undressing me, leaving my boxers the only clothing that was covering my lean body. I gulped nervously as Ciaran began undressing me slowly, his eyes roaming over my body with lust and desire. My face was flushed with embarrassment, but I did not stop him as he continued working his way down. My heart pounding in my chest with each passing second. I've never felt anyone's touch like this before and I could not deny that I was craving it increasingly every time he touched my bare body.

"Let's head to the showers, aye? I know how much you dislike being sweaty and dirty." He said it with a teasing tone that left a twinge of lust in my eyes.

I was unable to respond and just nodded, my throat feeling tight. My body was trembling with a mixture of nervous excitement as I let him carry my delicate, yet masculine body to the shower chambers. The air was filled with anticipation and desire, every inch of my body waiting for him to make the next move.

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