First chapter [[kicked from hell!]]

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"Where in God's name is that child?! Didn't I tell her to pack her things and get her ass out of here?!"
*The old nanny, Martha, shouted as she ran through the corridors of the old orphanage for a bit.*

"Be quiet for a while and shut up your annoying tongue! Or I swear to expel you before her!!!"

*The orphanage director shouted while reading the newspaper, crossing his legs on the sofa, his old facial features wrinkled.*

*The man standing at the main entrance sighed, resting his back against the wall near the door*

"You are truly hopeless, so there are not even any children to take care of in this depressing, stifling orphanage!"
*Marcus was silent for a moment, then added sarcastically*
"Even an orphan child would not agree to live here!"

Outside of all that annoying noise, our heroine was giggling with a sarcastic smile

"It's funny that they think I'll let them kick me out! I'd rather go out with my own two feet than have the humiliation of myself being kicked out like a dog!"
*Helena said with a proud smile as she held her bag resolutely and walked through the crowded city streets.*

*Helena runs throw the crowded streets with a cheerful smile on her face giggling,she was excited to make her own life story,as she waited for all her life years for someone to adopt her,but now,shes finally free to do what she wants!*

*or that what she thought before its night....*

Next chapter will be about Helena facing the fact of the hard reality,the fact that shes homeless now.. damn..

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