New Students

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A/N: Everyone I'll be using He/Him pronouns for Jae for this book. I'm not used to writing for a They/Them character and I don't necessarily want to have to recheck each chapter to ensure I'm using the correct pronouns for Jae so for this book I'm changing it to He/Him. Not that I have anything wrong with their character or pronouns this is just my preference for this book so I kindly ask you be respectful of this.

"Yes aunt Cass. I'm almost at the school. I'll be alright." Alexis says as she is on the phone with her adoptive aunt Cass while walking in the woods.

"Good girl. Thank you for being understanding about this. I know it's not easy." Cass says.

"Well I would have preferred to have stayed at home and continue my schooling as a home schooled student but I know you don't have time. Not since the new job." Alexis says as she sighs.

"I know it's not ideal darling. Just give it a chance for me." Cass says.

"I am. For you at least. Anyway I'll see you at the end of the week." Alexis says.

"Alright dear. Bye. I love you and good luck." Cass says.

"Bye and love you too. Ugh. I can already tell this is gonna be a hectic first day. Huh? Is that singing?" Alexis asks as she hangs up her phone and hears someone singing and follows it to see a purple boy singing next to a tree. As Alexis attempts to get a closer look she accidentally snaps on a twig immediately getting the boy's attention.

"Huh? Who are you?" The boy asks in surprise.

"Oh sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. I heard singing and just kind of followed it." Alexis says nervously.

"It's alright. You didn't scare me. Who are you anyway?" The boy asks as he goes toward Alexis.

"Alexis. You?" Alexis asks.

"Jae. So you like singing huh?" The boy asks as he smiles.

"Well I like your singing. It's calming to say the least. I enjoyed listening to you." Alexis says as she chuckles.

"Thanks. So are you a student at the academy?" Jae asks as he looks at Alexis's clothes.

"What?" Alexis asks curiously.

"You're wearing a uniform. Same colors as my school's dress code colors too. I just figured you were a student." Jae says as he gestures to his uniform.

"I am a student at an academy nearby. Yes." Alexis says.

"Are you new? I've never seen you before." Jae says as Alexis nods.

"Yes. I have been home schooled most of my life by my aunt Cass. But her job as an inventor kind of keeps her busy to where she hasn't had time to school me. So she thought public school would be the best option for now." Alexis says as she sighs.

"Your aunt is an inventor?" Jae asks as Alexis nods.

"Yes. She makes all kinds of weird gadgets and often builds on ones that she finds too. It caught some local business owners attention and well they gave her a job." Alexis says.

"That's pretty cool." Jae says as he smiles kindly.

"Thanks. My aunt definitely enjoys her work." Alexis says.

"Do you know where you're headed? If not I can show you the way. I was actually just about to head back myself anyway." Jae says as Alexis smiles.

"That would be nice. Thank you." Alexis says as she begins walking with Jae.

"No problem. So if I can ask what kind of supernatural are you?" Jae asks curiously.

"Wolf shifter. You?" Alexis asks curiously.

"I'm a fairy." Jae says.

"So that's why you were singing. I've always heard that is something many fairies enjoy especially near plant life." Alexis says as Jae nods.

"Yeah. I sometimes come out and sing to the trees when I can't sleep. It helps to relax my mind." Jae says as he smiles sheepishly.

"It definitely relaxed me. My nerves aren't exactly calm at the moment. But hearing you sing like that did help ease them a bit." Alexis says as she smiles kindly.

"Glad I could be of service to you milady." Jae says as he and Alexis chuckle.

"Yeah." Alexis says.

"So you're new here right? So I'm guessing you don't know anyone yet." Jae says as Alexis shakes her head.

"Not really." Alexis says.

"Would you like to hang out with me and my friends? I have a friend named Jessa who is a wolf shifter too. Maybe being around one of your own and around our group will help to ease your nerves. And we could show you around." Jae says kindly.

"That sounds nice. Thank you. I appreciate it." Alexis says happily.

"No problem." Jae says as he smiles.

An Enchanting Love Supernatural Academy Jae X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now