In Over Their Heads: PT 2

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As everyone is sparing they soon stop upon seeing Jessa jump into the water along with Brax before seeing the two help Mischa out of the pond.

"I heard you! I heard your voice inside my head!" Jessa says happily as Mischa is coughing.

"Mischa!" Max shouts as he runs over to Mischa.

"Max get the Healer!" Fern shouts as Max leaves.

"Brax get Lienda!" Jessa says as Brax nods and leaves.

"I had no idea humans were so fragile... honest!" Opal says as Max brings over the healer.

"Sure you didn't." Alexis says annoyedly as she and Jae glare at her.

"Knock it off Opal. No one's buying your shit." Jae says angrily.

"Try that again and they'll be serving filet o' mermaid for lunch." Max says as he glares at a smiling Opal as Brax arrives with Lienda.

"Mischa! You're okay! She is okay isn't she?" Lienda asks in alarm.

"I'm fine." Mischa says as she looks at Lienda.

"Mischa had a close call but I don't sense any damage." The healer says as everyone breaths a sigh of relief.

"That was close." Lienda says in relief.

"I'm curious about the spell that's fused to Mischa's aura." The healer says as she stands up.

"Spell?" Lienda asks curiously.

"It looks like my old teacher Louis's handiwork but I've never seen a spell quite like it." The healer says.

"Louis was there when Mischa and Jessa were born. His magic saved Mischa's life." Lienda says.


Later as the group is outside Jessa's room they soon she Jessa and Mischa coming out the door.

"If you're going on another field trip we're coming too." Jae says as he smiles.

"Yeah. Count us in." Alexis says.

"And here's our permission slip!" Jessa says as she holds up a coin.


"We're trying to find the door that matches up to the one we saw Kristov call up in the woods. Right?" Brax ask as the group is walking outside.

"Right-ish. Mischa and I already found the door." Jessa says.

"What?" Alexis asks.

"You did?" Jae asks in surprise.

"But we couldn't get it open. And we tried everything." Mischa says.

"If the door isn't keyed to your aura it's not gonna open. No matter what you do." Jae says.

"We couldn't open Kristov's door but maybe one of you can." Jessa says as the group goes inside the building where the doors are.

"Stay away from that one unless you want to end up in the butt crack of a volcano!" Mischa says as she points to a door.

"Look Max. It's the door to home! Come on. Let's stop by Bunica's Bakery and get something to eat. Maybe pop in and say hi to mom and dad?" Brax says as he runs over to a door.

"That's a solid no little bro. We don't have a legit pass. We're using a stolen token. So no we are definitely not dropping in on family!" Max says as he stops Brax.

"Aww no Cozonac cu Nuca?" Brax asks disappointedly.

"Listen! Do you hear that?" Jae asks as he looks around.

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