Happy Endings

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Later as Alexis is sitting outside she soon notices a shadow on the ground and looks to see Jae.

"Mind if I sit?" Jae asks.

"I guess." Alexis says as Jae sits beside her.

"Still mad at me huh?" Jae asks as Alexis looks at him.

"Mad? No. Disappointed? Very." Alexis says.

"Well that's something I guess. You not being mad anymore is better than nothing." Jae says as he smiles.

"Why are you here Jae?" Alexis asks as she sighs annoyedly.

"What? Can't I sit with one of my Pack members?" Jae asks.

"You know fully well what I mean Jae. Stop beating around the bush. You start that and you can sit elsewhere. I know you sat here for a reason so what is it?" Alexis asks as she looks at Jae with annoyance.

"I'm sorry. You're right. Look I just don't know exactly what to say after what happened. But trying to smoove things over with a bit of playfulness in my words has always been a habit of mine in situations like these. Though I know that what happened isn't gonna just go away." Jae says as he looks down.

"So you came over here to try and make me forget that stuff?" Alexis asks annoyedly.

"No. I didn't mean it like that. Look I just... I don't know. All I know is I'm sorry. I really am. I never meant to make you feel like I don't value my life or that those around me don't want to see me hurt." Jae says as Alexis looks down.

"That's not why I was so upset. Or at least not all of it." Alexis says.

"Really?" Jae asks in surprise.

"I was upset that you were acting like you didn't care about what the realm of Fae would do to you. I was also upset because you acting that way and recklessly endangering yourself for something you can't fix by yourself made me feel like you didn't care about what you were gonna leave behind. The people that it would affect. The things you'd be giving up for a fruitless mission. It made me feel like I was a second priority to you. That your friends and me didn't even matter. That us wanting you in our lives didn't matter. That your life and those around you weren't a priority at all. That you just didn't care." Alexis says as she sighs.

"How long have you felt this way?" Jae asks curiously.

"Since you began acting strangely after you got back from Fae the first time. I knew something was off when you came back. That's why I stayed by your side. Not just as your friend but because I wanted to see you be alright. But I know now that you'll never be the same after what happened in Fae. And with everything that's happened since then I just can't watch it anymore. I'm sorry. I can't watch you repeatedly try to fix Fae at the cost of your life. I don't want to see you die." Alexis says sadly.

"I'm so, so sorry. I didn't know you felt like this. I never meant to make you feel like you weren't a priority in my life. Or that my life wasn't important or the others. I just wanted fix Fae so badly. But after the second time I went I realized that you guys are correct. I can't fix it. Not on my own. I thought it would be different when I went back but it wasn't. But Fae isn't my home. Not anymore. I shouldn't be trying to fix what can't ever be fixed. I should be worrying about the new home I have and my friends." Jae says.

"Oh so now you're listening and admitting this stuff huh? And yet you call me stubborn about things." Alexis says as she looks at Jae and smiles slightly.

"Okay I deserved that. Yes I am stubborn but I also am willing to admit defeat." Jae says as he chuckles.

"Glad to see it's finally sinking in. So now what?" Alexis as she smiles.

"Well I'm not going back to Fae again. I don't want to sacrifice my life and miss out on life with those I love and my friends." Jae says.

"So no more trying to go back? Or anymore secret tree visiting trips?" Alexis asks.

"No more trying to go back. Though the longing because of it I can't quite promise on. But I definitely won't be letting that longing control me anymore." Jae says as he smiles.

"Glad to hear it." Alexis says.

"Alexis listen I know you broke up with me because of that stuff and I understand if you still don't feel you can be with me but I'd like to try again if you're willing to. I want to be with you and be there to experience life with you and protect you. I love you." Jae says as he smiles at Alexis.

"I love you too Jae. I'd very much like for us to try again." Alexis says as she smiles.

"I'm so glad to hear that." Jae says before he kisses Alexis on the lips as she kisses back.

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