Chapter 1

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Birthday (2006)

Raeanna's Point of View

"Rae it's time for breakfast!" my foster mom calls from downstairs.

I hurry out of my bathroom and grab my backpack from my room as I run down the stairs and into the kitchen. She has a huge spread of my favorites. I lick my lips as I see French toast topped with strawberries and bananas. I sit quickly in front of my spot at the table. I pour myself some apple juice as Julie places the French toast in front of me.

"It smells delicious. Thanks Julie."

"Of course. I had to make your favorites. It's not every day a girl turns 16. Happy birthday Rae."

"Thank you. Do you think the adoption will work?"

"I don't see how it couldn't. You're brother has put in a lot of work this last year and all your parents have done is have fuck up after fuck up."

"I can't go back to that house."

She pulls me into a hug, "You won't have too. Ryan, Greg and I won't let that happen."

"Julie you and I both know that once the court decides today it will be hard to change the order."

"That's why I think Ryan will win today."

"I hope so." I stuff a huge bite of French toast in my mouth.

She pats my head and goes to start cleaning up from making breakfast. Soon a loud car horn honks. I take one more big bite of French toast and then gulp down the rest of my juice. I hug and give a kiss to Julie's cheek as I run for the front door. Knowing my friends aren't the most patient.

"Bye Julie. See you after school."

"Are you guys leaving from here tonight for your gig?"

"Yeah. See you later." I shout as I go through the front door.

"Hurry up smalls!" Rivers calls out from the passenger seat.

I shake my head, "You still can't come up with a better nickname than that?"

"What I think it is very fitting." He gets and holds the door open for me to get it, "After you birthday princess."

I roll my eyes, "Maybe I should shut the door, so Cody just leaves you here and you have to walk to school."

"You wouldn't."

I stop as I am half in the car, "Oh, I would."

I feel myself getting pulled into the car and I tumble next to Cody. Rivers piles in next to me and is laughing hysterically. I roll my eyes at him. I look up to Cody through the corner of my eye. He is staring down at me.

"You two done with your flirting so we can go?" He growls.

He has been acting strange lately. Always made when I am joking with the guys. I don't get it; we are all friends. He never used to have a problem.

"We weren't flirting." I correct.

"That's what it looked like to me."

"Whatever. Just get us to school before we are late." I huff.

10 minutes later Cody parks his car in the parking lot. I am about to slide out the passenger side of the car when Cody's warm and strong hands pull me out the driver side. He spins me to look at him. I have to crane my neck to be able to look into his deep green eyes that are almost hidden under his jet-black hair.


"You know what."

"No, I don't Cody. You have been acting weird for weeks now. It's getting old. What is your deal?"

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