Chapter 3

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10 years later (2016)-

After the Harm Eddie Awards

Cody's Point of View

I'm laying on the couch in our hotel room after dropping Lana off. I hope she is alright. I don't know why I care so much. She is just some girl. But something is nagging at me that I know her from somewhere. But I am sure I would remember meeting a girl like that.

I was shocked when I heard they weren't preforming this year. Wild Stallions sure knows how to put on a show. They were playing in Vegas one night that we had off. The boys wanted to go check it out, since so many people were talking about the concert. I am by no means a country fan but they sure as hell made me a fan of them. It must have been fate that we won the awards the other was presenting.

I wanted to win record of the year but Wild Stallions' Walk Away deserved to win. It would have been cool if the song that we wrote with Rae won but Lana really pulled out all the stops in that song. You can feel all the emotion she put into it. I will say I was nervous after they won record of the year that they might win album of the year. But I was nervous for nothing. It's been 10 years since any of us have heard anything from Rae, I wonder if she was really able to escape her parents or if they got to her and Ryan.

I am snapped from my thoughts when my interview is playing on the TV. The door opens and the guys pile in.

"So, Cody we always see you wearing that bracelet. Care to tell us why it is so special." I was so shocked when I was asked that. I didn't know what to say but I knew that if she was still hiding. I didn't want her parents to figure anything out.

"Oh, this thing. You see some groupie made it for me in high school. It was a few months before we got our big break. It's my good luck charm at this point. I don't ever take it off." I cringe as I hear that. I could have said that better.

"So, it was a groupie or your high school girlfriend?"

"I didn't have a girlfriend in high school."

Gavin turns the TV off.

"I still can't believe you said that." Jett shakes his head.

"I didn't know what to say. It just fell out."

"What do you think she is going to think when she sees that?" Rivers asks angrily.

I fucked up, "Look. I get it I fucked up alright, but she left us 10 years ago!"

"If she comes back you are going to have to let that go!" he growls.

"It's been 10 fucking years! She's never coming back!" I storm out of the room and to my own part of the suite.

"I wasn't..."

"Let him go Riv." Gavin calls out.

"Our girl may never come back, and it will be all his fault!"

Gavin sighs, "I hope she does. I feel like she maybe the only one to keep us in one piece."

Jett just hums in response.

Fuck. Gavin is right. She was the only one that could reign in my temper, make Jett feel anything, get Riv to stop fucking everything with a hole and get Gavin out of his head. Our dynamic would be hard to understand but the guys and I made a pact. We would make Rae ours, she was the only girl that any of us has ever loved. She made us all whole, which is why we never thought anything other than becoming a harem for her. Fuck what the world would think, we need her to stay sane and in one piece.

I heave a sigh and plop down on my bed. Come back Rae. We need you. I need you.


It's been a couple weeks since the award show. I keep thinking about Lana. She reminds me so much of someone, I have to figure out where I have met her before. I am in the backyard and strumming my guitar when Gavin comes storming outside.

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