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At Dazai's house Dazai's POV

As I sit on my bed I think to myself "I hate parties. I don't like new years either. It wasn't that bad last year. That's a lie it was. Far too sentimental. Oo I should try to kill myself again. No that's really lonely. Double suicide sounds better... but who would be free... hmm... he would. It's probably better to ask than not.. anyways it's not like I'll be surprised if he says no. Did I lose my phone at the office? Nope. Let's just hope he unblocked me at some point. wow. he actually did unblock me." I then called him "gonna pick up?" I thought.

With chuuya at the pm 3rd person

"Enter" Mori said Chuuya then walked into his bosses office. Chuuya walked up to Mori's desk and bowed to him. "Hello Chuuya-Kun" Mori said. "Hello, what did you call me for?" The ginger asked. "The Port Mafia will be joining the ADA for a new years.. party. No harm shall be done to any of the members, this is part of a temporary truce." Mori answered. "Understood." Chuuya said "you're dismissed." Mori said and chuuya then walked out of the office. "I-" Mori tried to talk but was interrupted by Elise saying "don't care" "Why must you be so rude to me Elise?!" Mori asked the girl.

At chuuya's house      Chuuya's POV

"I have a couple hours with absolutely nothing to do. Great. Well I guess some time to myself ain't so bad. This truce party is pretty out of the ordinary. Are we just.. watching the fireworks or something? I suppose that's not too bad. It's not like I know what
New Year's parties are supposed to be like" I had thought to myself when I was interrupted by my phone ringing. "who'd be calling me at this time of night? Dazai? I thought I blocked him. Don't care, it's probably nothing important anyway." I thought as I hung up just to be called again afterwards "again? the hell does he want? whatever, I'm not picking up." I hung up again now annoyed. "for the third time?! Fine, I'll pick up." "What do you want?" I said annoyed. "Wow, you actually answered. I'm shocked." The brunette replied. "just get to the point already, shitty Dazai. Why the hell are you calling me, and why shouldn't I hang up?" I asked him. "well you remember how you said you wanted to die and would be willing to commit double suicide with me?" He asked me. "you know I do... just get to the point. Besides, we have that party today, we're both expected to be there." I replied to the brunette. "so? we can do it while we're there..." The brunette told me. "Let me think of how we can do it..."He said. After he thought about it for some time he told me how we would kill ourselves and I agreed.

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