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Back In California.

"Sir we found Mr. Anderson"

"Finally where is he"

"New York apparently"

"Great now find out where he is staying in New York and fast"

"Do you still want us to find his place here"

"Of course what kind of question is that"

"And prepare to go New York"

"Yes sir"

Back in New York.

"So you ready for dinner"

"Yea. Why are you bringing me so much places anyways"

"I want to make it up to you"

"How can you make up the fact that your a murder"

"I only kill certain people"

"You still kill though and that not okay"

"Your going to have to get over that at some point"

"Umm excuse me one how do I know you might not kill me next and two your apart of gang which means you have people trying to kill you and the people YOUR close to I do not want to die in any way"

"..... you think I will kill you"

"I don't know would you"

"You know what I don't even want to go to dinner anymore"

"I don't want to go either"

Ethan went downstairs and Nova went to get change.

The next day

Nova was in the shower getting ready for her ultrasound. She then went downstairs to get something to drink.

"Hey where are you going"

"Oh so your talking to me again"

"Can't be mad forever right, so where you going"

"I'm going to a doctors appointment"

"Regular appointment or ultrasound"


"I wanna come"

Nova looked at Ethan up and down.

"Hmmmm idk"

"Come on let me come"

"Fine I guess"

Ethan smiled and went to change real fast.

They both went outside and Nova was going in the driver seat but Ethan stopped her.

"Let me drive"


"Cause I want to now just go sit down"

Nova went around to sit in the passenger seat.

"Okay here is the address"

Ethan put the address and started to drive. Halfway through the drive Ethan spotted Dunkin' Donuts and pulled into the driveway.

"What are you doing I have a ultrasound appointment in 5 minutes"

"Come on you can have a donut or a bagel. Plus you didn't eat anything in the morning"


They order there food ate and went to the appointment which they were right on time.

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