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Ethan laid down on the hospital bed. As Ethan was laying down he thought about what happened.

(Flashback to the night before)
As Nova was arguing with Ethan he turned his head and saw the gun pointed at them


Ethan moved towards Nova but he was a bit to late Nova got shot. Ethan grabbed Nova and moved her out the way as he was doing that he got shot in the arm.

Nova was crying out in pain and screaming.

"Hey hey it okay it okay don't worry" Ethan said to Nova. He has done this a million time but now someone he loves just got shot so he was panicking a little.

Just then Jace showed up with the rest of the team. They covered Ethan so he can get in the car and bring Nova to the hospital.

Nova passed out on the way to the Hospital she was loosing a lot of blood. The nurse that works for Ethan was in the car and she patched Ethan arms while Ethan was trying to stop Nova from bleeding.

They finally got to the hospital and the doctor took them right away once they got there. They then went to go tend to Ethan both Ethan and Nova got separated at the hospital and spent the night apart Ethan didn't know if Nova or the baby was okay and he was a bit worried.

(Back to reality)

Ethan got up he wanted to find Nova to see if she was okay. He walked around the hospital and went to the front where you have to check in.

"Hey umm I wanna check on Nova Monroe"

"And what is she to you"

"I'm the father of her baby"

"Okay she in room 325"

"And Is the baby okay she 8 months"

"We had to deliver the baby"

"Where is the baby"

"The baby in the NICU you can go see him if you like"


The doctor showed Ethan to the NICU they both went inside. Ethan looked at his son who had tubes coming out of him.

Ethan couldn't stand seeing his first baby like this so he left to go check on Nova.

Ethan was near Nova room he stood outside for about 5 minutes. He then decided to entered the room and just found Nova laying down staring at the ceiling


Nova had tears rolling dow her face

"Are you okay"

"Ethan I got shot how is that okay"

"Yea your right I'm sorry"

Nova turned and looked at Ethan with even more tears rolling down.

"You know what this is partially my fault I decided to let you be around me even though I knew how you are. I knew being around you would be dangerous now look what happened"


"Get out Ethan I never want to see you again and I mean it"

"Nova come on"


Ethan got up and looked at Nova he then left the hospital.

Nova burst down in tears.

(5 days later)

Nova got up and got dressed she was going to see her baby she got in the car and drove to where her baby was.

She finally reached the place and stepped out her car. She walked up to her son grave and knelt down.

"Hi Noah it mommy. I'm so sorry I didn't protect you hard enough maybe in a different life time I protected you well enough so I get to hold you and hear you cry. Maybe in another life I get to see you grow up and get tall maybe I might see you walk down that stage while I'm screaming that's my son maybe one day but not in this life"

Nova put down the roses and got up. A few tears fell down her face she blew a kiss to her son grave and went into the car and left.

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