The Dust

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I've seen some things in my lifetime, I've the top of the Himalayas, I've reached the peak of Mount Everest, and I survived in all of them I did. Yet I am here in a forest so huge that the sunlight can barely pass through the leaves, elongated trees double the size of what it's supposed to be-- My body hurts and I feel pain throughout my neck.

"Is this hell?"

I utter to myself, why am I here? Is the gods unwilling to accept enlightenment? In Buddhism, there is no god but the enlightened one

"I see so I am in purgatory'

The trees as tall as city buildings start to shiver. Creaking noises come from afar as a sound of rumbling is heard from a distance


A scream echoed through the thick trees as the rumbling started getting closer.

A deer comes passing by as fast as the wind

That's bad, a deer is usually prey and prey runs when it sees a hunter



A huge beast comes through the forest with 4 arms and two legs resembling a human. The huge beast started to sniff and eventually started climbing the trees using both arms as support and the other two to climb.

I hid in the roots of one of the trees to avoid getting spotted and covered myself with the huge leaves that the trees dropped. I noticed a book and a pencil lying on the ground near a bag and a lantern unlit but full of fuel.

"Must be mine"

As I opened the book a single piece of glass dropped and cut my arm. But as I begin to look at the cut it immediately begins to go to the proliferated state.

"What the?"

[Evolutionary Trait Obtained]

[Adaptability Trait Obtained]

I recall back to those words.

So the evolutionary trait helps me physically and the adaptability trait helps me mentally.

So is that why I didn't panic the moment I awoke?

I don't know there are too many unanswered questions

"But for now, I got to get out of this forest.."


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