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JK - Hey... are you okay?....

JK - Miss?

I called her again, waiting for a reply. And then, she looked up.

Suddenly, everything stopped. My heart raced, like it might jump out of my chest. "Who is she? And why do I feel like this?" were the only questions in my head.

Her pink lips, perfect nose, and cute cheeks-even with tears-made me want to squeeze them gently. Her hair was messy, but it added to her charm. The brown doe eyes, full of tears, were like a deep, endless pool. I felt like I could get lost in them.

And that mole under her lips, like a tiny cherry on top, made her even more special. Even though I could tell she's from another place, she looked so pretty, like a goddess on Earth. Just so beautiful.

As I stood there, she made the world around us disappear. It was like a quiet moment just for us. She wasn't just pretty; she was like a beautiful melody playing in my heart. So gorgeous, like a song I never heard before, making everything feel new and wonderful.




The man who unexpectedly took a seat in front of me spoke. His words flowed like a melody, and my heartbeat seemed to dance to its rhythm.

He is... he is him... he is


No, it can't be him. I must be lost in a daydream. Maybe I need treatment. This can't be him. It can't be. My mind desperately tried to convince my heart that this stranger couldn't possibly be the one I've been searching for all these years, my love, him...

These conflicting thoughts echoed in my head, my legs shaking. But then, the man spoke again.

This time, I decided to summon courage and look up. Come on, girl! You know karate! You can do this! This can't be him - come on, Y/n!!

I looked up.

Our eyes.


Those brown doe eyes.

And once again...

I got lost.

I got lost in those eyes that held my entire galaxy.

And one more time,

My heart decided to fall.

It did.

My heart fell... so hard.

In that moment, my mind went blank, but what I could grasp was that this man, with a mask on, is HIM.
He's the one I've loved and will continue to love, even beyond this life. If God were to grant me a wish, I would wish to love him more each day and in every lifetime. Today, I could see my entire world right in front of me - MY WORLD, MY UNIVERSE, MY LIFE, MY PERSON. I don't know the reason he's here, but right now, all I want is to rush into those arms and confess in every way I've always dreamed of.

He coughed.

I sat back, trying to dispel the uncomfortable tension building between us. But trust me, this was NOT AT ALL UNCOMFORTABLE. I felt above the clouds. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm living my whole damn life in this moment.

I tried my best to be calm, to act casual like a stranger, assuming he wore a mask to keep his identity hidden.

Why is he here, though?

I decided to break the silence, summoning every ounce of courage.

Y/N - Umm...h-hy? Mayyy....I...knoww youu?

Defying the Stars |JK FF | OH HOLD|Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora