14 - reap what you sow.

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San Diego

The red light blinking on the camera was the only thing Elias was looking at not listening to anything around him. A flash of white light shined in his face making him snap out of his thoughts, and look at the person talking who just finished their last word of the question.

"I'm sorry?" He said wanting the journalist in the seat from NBC to repeat it again, since he didn't hear her the first time.

"I said what is your relationship status? We seen you post a female's hand on your social media and a few kissing shots but nobody knows who this girl is. Care to share?" The journalist questioned waiting for a response and Elias just stared at them before chuckling and fixing the chain around his neck.

"Y'all shot out." He mumbled.

"So there is no girl?" Another one asked and Elias rolled his eyes.

"I don't understand what my personal business got to do with football. Do y'all want to talk about the game tomorrow or not because if not I'm outta here," He said not giving them a real answer.

"Well do you have a response to Anthony Embers? He just tagged you on twitter," Another journalist spoke up. Elias recognized him since he was always here.

Another small laugh left his mouth as he let out a deep breath, "What he say?"

"He said they need to bench you for Parker since he's the better wide receiver on the team. Any response?" Dallas was his best friend so he wasn't going to sit in front of five cameras and seven journalists and say he was better than his friend like he did behind closed doors so instead Elias leaned back in his chair and ran a hand down his face. "What do you have to say to that?"

"I would say something nasty but considering my team already beat his a month ago and they already lost eight games this season while we only down by one lost, what more can I say?" He asked rhetorically not expecting a response. His eyes looked into the camera knowing that somewhere at the moment, Anthony was listening, "He only mad because I got something that used to be his and he knows he can't get it again. But if he really about something, then he needs to bring his bitchass out here."

Everybody in the room eyebrows furrowed now confused clearly not knowing everything that's been going behind the media's back.

"No further questions," He spoke into the mic before his time was actually up. And before anyone got to say anything, he stood up from his chair grabbing a water bottle and leaving the table.

Harrison stood at the door and shook his head, as the two left the conference room together.

"You know they bout to fine you for leaving, right?"

"And who cares? They asking me about my girl and her bitchass ex not asking me about how many touchdowns I'm bout to make. Whack."

Harrison chuckled but loving the fact that his best friend was indeed the little bad boy image puzzle piece to his good guy one.

"Speaking of girlfriends, she still in there."

"Still?" Elias asked stopping in the middle of the hallway. Harrison sighed and nodded his head. "The fuck are they doing? It ain't like she knew that bitch was about to post her after their relationship been deaded a year now."

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