24 - away games.

976 74 113

Trinity Sutton.
San Diego

"I'm very confident, you know. We win this, we go down to New Orleans and bring that Lombardi trophy back home, that's all that really matters. I have faith in this team and in myself," Elias answered as he sat at the conference table.

I got the job.

Working in the field again on what I love but as a reporter this time. I wasn't expecting them to put me on covering The Spartans but since they already had people in LA covering their team, they needed someone over here and I accepted it.

I definitely had to learn how to separate personal and work life though now that I had the opportunity to be back behind the stadium doors of The Spartans. Working on getting a story, asking post game questions, just being on another side of football.

He didn't see me yet though, I don't think. He definitely looked like shit so I'll give him that.

He looked tired like he hasn't been sleeping, his eyes was low, his skin wasn't tan like it usually be, he wasn't cheerful or being a smartass to the reporters either like usual.

"One more question," The security guard for the team announced and I debated on raising my hand or not. I already questioned Harrison and Dallas earlier which they were very happy to see me and since my boss wanted to see my skills in the field,

"Over here," I spoke up and Elias eyes darted around the room trying to find me before landing on me and I could see his entire demeanor change. His eyes got brighter and sat up straight. "How different does it feel playing with a new team on the road to the Super Bowl?"

He didn't answer right away and just continued to stare at me. The security guard said his name making Elias clear his throat and come back to the present putting on a fake smile.

"I mean...it doesn't feel much different. Family is family at the end of the day and Seattle was once my family. I made a lot of friends up there and I wish them all the best but I know what I got down here. It's a lot of incredible people on this team, in this building, the fans- nothin' but love." He said looking directly at me. "I think having love for each other plays a big part. They know I respect and love them in Seattle and everything they given me despite having basically everything go up in flames but at the time I had to do what's best for me so it ain't much different but the love out here just stronger and harder and we need that. That's what got us to that game on Sunday."

I didn't say anything and just chuckled with a head shake pressing the stop button on my recorder. They told him that was it and since he was the last person to talk for the day, he was our last player.

Gathering my things, I stood up and followed behind everyone else exiting the media room and being the last one out which pissed me off more seeing the person I didn't want to see stop me.

"You can't be serious," I snickered and rolled my eyes getting ready to walk around him but all Elias did was stop me, placing his hand on my waist which only resulted in me removing it.

"Yo, just talk to me, aight? You completely ignored me at Dre's party the other night so let's just talk, Trin."

"Ignore? Were you not with some girl?"

"Does it matter?"

I scoffed and tried to walk around him but he just continued to block my path. "You're so pathetic. That whole this is complicated shit and choosing the game over me but wanna be in my face right now-"

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