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The darkens have been existing since the first sight of evilness in the universes, hidden from them in an alternative empty dimension. But there has been stories about how a portal from that dimension suddenly cracked and opened, causing the darkens to enter the other worlds and make havoc in the universe. These are the only beings the void cannot control, and no god created these beings.

Darkens are dark fire-like evil and dangerous mindless spirits who burn everything and only leaves nothing but lifeless stone and ashes. They were actually created by the evil and the worst feelings of all living beings, determined to only create chaos and attack anything on their faceless sight. Through years, there has been news about disasters and havoc due to darken activity, forcing the other beings to stay safe when the portal is open. Also, darkens multiply as bacterias, making it worse to deal.

These spirits are invincible to almost everything, but light power can repel them, send them back from where they came from, or simply terminate them. Light power can also be used on weapons to make them able to eventually hit them, despite being like air, like if they were solid.

Despite being mindless spirits, darkens show a huge hate and fear towards water. They avoid flying over and under the water, and hide underground from the rains (if there's isn't any big source of water underground, otherwise they will be trying to avoid being touched by water rain and hide under anything that can act like a ceiling. They sure hate water a lot.

This strange fact is actually very unknown to many living beings about the darkens. And is that when they get hit by something with light power, the light magic sticks to them for a while and leave them stunned in an almost solid state and unable to cause any serious danger; if touched when they're stunned like this, it won't make you a statue. It will simply hit you like a rock, but they damage you in a way that makes you feel like when being poked by a vaccine. The darkens' colours change when being stunned by light, making easy to see if they're unable to use petrifying power. 

Also very strange thing: the darken DNA influenced with the light power seems to strangely attack the mind-control. Everytime a darken stunned by light hit a mind-controlled, the darken strangely flashes one white light for a second the mind-control link seems to get gravely interrupted till breaking. 

Some crazy scientists tried to figure out a way to use the darkens' DNA and the power of light to create new kind of living beings, but this process is shown dangerous in many worlds.

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